Wednesday, November 1, 2023

#2698: Carol Collins

Carol Collins offers you the James experience. She is, according to herself, “the voice for The Entity James and The Collective” and in general a “verbal, conscious channel who has the ability to speak with non-physical vibrational Beings clairvoyantly and verbally. She gives workshops, classes, readings and mentoring with the Entity James.” Who James is and why you should trust him might come across as unclear unless you spoil the joke and conclude that James is, of course, Collins herself. Also, don’t ask her what it would mean for non-physical things to vibrate. Anyways, what she offers is the usual deranged New Age bullshit, which, as always, is so inane that one is hesitant to call it a scam. (It is a scam.)


Collins, however, managed to land herself in some controversy in 2020 when her ads claimed that she was channelling George Floyd: “Carol channels George Floyd. A powerful message from George about choosing life, choosing to offer friendship love and forgiveness, to help stop the suffering, to ‘go home – enjoy your family, tell them you love them … remove my name from being associated with hate .. civil liberties are not what we need to be fighting for, be the one who says I love you to all.” Yes, right; this New Age troll-snowflake claims to channel George Floyd, and Floyd’s message is, conveniently, to stop fighting for civil liberties, and that all lives matter. Suffice to say, her surroundings were not amused.


Diagnosis: In fairness, her scam doesn’t seem to have been able to live down the George Floyd incident particularly well, but yes: she deserves every piece of flak she could conceivably have received.


Hat-tip: Pharyngula

1 comment:

  1. If the entity she channels is Godfather of Soul James Brown, count me in!
