Monday, July 8, 2024

#2788: Gary Dull

Gary Dull is a fundie wingnut affiliated with the Faith and Freedom Institute and co-host of American Pastors Network founder Sam Rohrer’s Stand in the Gap podcast, a fundamentalist collection of rants featuring an assortment of dingbat conspiracy theorists. Dull, who has promised to rid America of its satanic wickedness, is predictably the kind of boring fundie SPAGer who thinks that God will withhold blessing and bring forth judgment if political decisions don’t go the way he (Dull) would like them to go, be it about abortion, marijuana legalization, people electing Muslims (or women) to state congress or what have you. Nor does God (that is, Dull) approve of Christian leaders who criticize Trump.


So, Dull is opposed to restrictions on religious indoctrination in public school, and to LGBT rights (the philosophy of the ‘LBGT’ group comes right out of the pit of hell). And as for marijuana legislation, Dull thinks that the Word of God makes a clear connection between drugs and the occult: recreational drugs can lead to opening your mind to wickedness and demonic activity.


In particular, however, Dull is opposed to women having political power (or any power, really); during the 2016 election campaigns, Dull pointed out that we shouldn’t elect the woman: “In God’s line of authority, it seems very clear in the scripture that a woman should not be in authority over men, which would limit a woman from being the president of the United States of America or even a queen of some other particular nation.” Women serving in positions of political leadership is a sign that a society is “spiritually rotten” and – of course – under the judgment of God.


Otherwise, Dull is heavily invested in the myth of Christian persecution in the US, a myth he subscribes to because he interprets any decision he disagrees with or event he dislikes as being really a matter of God’s truth and God’s law that is under attack.” He has also been a major proponent of Trump-finds-God fan fiction.


In 2020, Dull (and co-host Dave Kistler) asserted that God allowed Rep. Louie Gohmert to get COVID-19 in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment. Given the unambiguous evidence that hydroxychloroquine is not effective, one is excused for wondering what kind of god Dull is really trying to worship.


Diagnosis: Mostly boring, though Dull arguably belong to the more insane fringe of the crazy wing of the already lunatic and dangerous religious right – he’s got nothing novel, but he’s got plenty of anger, hate and delusions.


  1. Yet another who's been hit in the head once too often with a big family Bible.

    1. Are we sure he's even read the first page of Genesis?
