Monday, July 22, 2024

#2793: Daniel DuSoleil

Daniel DuSoleil is pastor of the Christian Center of Elko and a creationist. DuSoleil is, however, particularly concerned with how teachers, as he sees it, uses science to bully Christians, and has plenty of hearsay and implausible anecdotes to make his case, such as the story of an anonymous student of his who said she had been called “stupid” in front of a class “because she would not accept the fraudulent evolutionary evidence of Haeckel’s embryos” (which, if at all based on reality, suggests a student trying to use Haeckel’s embryos to discredit evolution, with understandably dismal results): yes, it’s the familiar creationist argument by appeal to persecution. DuSoleil also points out how arrogant and bullyish atheists/proponents of science (DuSoleil doesn’t really distinguish them) are: Indeed some people, to DuSoleil’s consternation, actually openly endorse atheism and put up posters to that effect: What an offensive way to denigrate Christian students. Sheer persecution!

In favor of his position on scientific matters, DuSoleil has some well-mined quotes and PIDOOMAs. Did you know that “Einstein believed the universe demonstrated intelligent design”? Neither did we, (nor did Einstein, for that matter), though as a creationist talking point it’s admittedly not particularly original.


Diagnosis: Yet another local village fundie denialist. There are lots and lots of them, and many – like DuSoleil – have ready access to audiences that may be likely to consider him an authority. Which is depressing.


Hat-tip: The Sensuous Curmugeon

1 comment:

  1. Yup, the "We is being persecuted!" meme, fundys love to use it when their pet beliefs are questioned. And it doesn't matter what religion, fundys will make the bogus claim of being "persecuted" anytime they are stopped from shoving their faith onto everyone.
