Tuesday, February 25, 2014

#931: Ryan McGinty

If you are a real crank, are interested in alternative ways to create energy, Tesla crankery is not enough for you, and you don’t know enough about (pseudo-)physics to defend cold fusion, then the obvious choice is to promote orgone energy, an idea so thoroughly silly that even most pseudoscientists shun it, but one that really promises to open the floodgate for the most marvelous woo and crazy imaginable. Ryan McGinty is into orgone energy – indeed, he calls himself an orgone warrior and is an associate of the Crofts – and has, accordingly, been awarded a substantial presence over at whale.to, where he for instance tells you how to make new orgone devices. The instructions are a little unspecific, for who would not want these orgone “devices that are tried and true, such as: Towerbuster, Holy Hand Grenade, Earth Pipe or Cloudbuster”? At least the Earth Pipes are used to to “disrupt and neutralize underground predatory tech” and for “disabling underground sources of deadly energy.” He admits, though, that the “results are not as visible, so we have to rely on the psychics or our own instincts for confirmations.” (This does not count as evidence). The instructions for “Don’s PowerWand” are here; a more detailed instructions for a frequency generator are here.

At least McGinty is frank about the woo connection: “Orgone is a name given by Wilhelm Reich for vital health or life energy. Orgone also is the same energy know as Chi or Prana from Eastern cultures.” Indeed; in more detail: “Orgone or etheric energy is a type of solar fire, one of three primary force energies in existence, the other two being fire by friction and electrical fire, known as electricity. Prana is solar fire.” At least he does not even bother to try to integrate his mythology with science.

He also gives advice on aura clearing and blasting, and has been “testing music notes to chakras and the colors related.” Apparently, “High C [is] a great tool against attacking enitites.” (The color thing is apparently based on the works of one Charles Klotsche, author of Color Medicine, which does not sound like anything resembling medicine).

Here he meets Tree Devas and Palm Elementals (a must-read – pareidolia does not come more magnificent than this). 

Diagnosis: Lunacy doesn’t come much more astonishing than Ryan McGinty, but at least they seem to be fighting ardent battles against their imaginations without bothering the rest of us too much.

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