Sunday, February 19, 2023

#2619: Fred Burks


Fred Burks is a former Indonesian translator for the US State Department, “transformation agent” and all-round conspiracy theorist, whose work has been covered e.g. by Coast to Coast AM and the conspiracy & fake news website Globalresearch.


According to himself, his work for the government (“having participated in numerous secret meetings”) has given Burks plenty of inside information he is now more than willing to share about e.g. ritual abuse, mind control, and UFO cover-ups. According to Burks, the government is brainwashing innocent civilians into robotized slaves for use in assassinations and political blackmail plots, and has been doing so for a while. In particular, they are using mind control to manipulate people’s memories by hypnosis – that’s why witnesses to UFOs tend to give conflicting reports. There are documents to prove it all. These documents are secret, so you just have to take Burks’s word for it.


Mostly, however, Burks is into HAARP, having published pieces e.g. for Globalresearch (“HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare”) on how how HAARP is covertly used by government agents for mind control and, in particular, for altering our very moods seemingly at random – Burks has experienced sudden mood changes himself. (He’s in general in tune with such stuff: I have a connection with beings who are not in bodies, says Burks.) His evidence consists of misreading declassified documents related to project MKULTRA (he skipped e.g. the parts of the documents where the agency described its failures to do the stuff Burks claims they’re doing). It is perhaps notable that he, despite his claim to be an insider, provides no new evidence or even concrete anecdotes compared to what is already amply available on conspiracy website..


Diagnosis: Colorful and mostly harmless; indeed, in today’s climate, Burks and his ilk seem almost quaint. But he’s utterly loony, and has a sufficient public presence to warrant pointing and laughing.


  1. I see this all the time with conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and election denialists: NO evidence. None. Doesn't slow them down a bit.

    1. Often, they claim the conspirators have censored the evidence, hence their lack of it.

  2. '"I have a connection with beings who are not in bodies,” says Burks"'.

    And I would add: and/but those "connections" are only in his mind. (He just self-diagnosed himself with schizophrenia).

    1. (When I was much younger /much, much... younger/ I always wonder how some people can be so openly liars? But then, when I became much older /much, much... older/ I read a couple of interesting books and saw that there were always throughout history has been such liars like "prophets" or "miraculous workers" or "clairvoyants" & other human scum. Then I realize that those batards just going for a lucrative business. There's a huge market for such idiots. And that there have always been folks who believed them /and, unfortunately, it would be so in the future too/. I think that just 1% of those lunatics actually firmly believe in their own words. The rest, as I said, are just common businessmen)

    2. GF, sounds like you are describing Washington DC!!

    3. @BP8, I must break my promise not to answer you, but ok)

      You're right on this, but my words can apply to any goddamn capital city of any goddamn country in the goddamn world!

      But there is a huge difference between politicians and religtards. I saw/heard politicians say "I was wrong" or "I made a mistake", but I never heard a "spiritualist" say so. Never ever! Coz they are "always right". Do not touch their "infallibility" or you are cursed.

      (And your beloved leader Trumpolini is not a politician, he's religtard bastard & and he must be stopped at any cost in the future to come to the power again for the sake of the whole world)


      I will recommend you something to read. It's a 1935 book by Sinclaire Lewis "It Can't Happen Here". What's in the book? Well, read and you find out.

    4. GF, apparently you have never heard Jimmy Swaggart's famous "I have sinned" speech. He was very, very sorry, at least he said so!
      Also, you are wrong about me and the Donald. I did make a few bucks off his tax incentives, but overall I think he is a crook!
      I will check out Mr. Lewis. I did like Elmer Gantry!

    5. "..apparently you have never heard Jimmy Swaggart's famous "I have sinned" speech. He was very, very sorry, at least he said so!"

      You don't say!

      Yes, I've heard about the infamous Jimmi Swaggart and his famous speech.

      But obviously, you didn't understand what I mean. In short, you can't compare when some particular cult leader says he's a sinner and when a politician says that he made a mistake that affects people regardless of their religious affiliation.

      (I can go on but now I do not have time, sry)
