They are also strongly committed to Biblical values being observed in Washington (Obama, for instance, isn’t really Christian because he distorts the Bible), and argue incessantly for the right of Christians to discriminate against gays and Muslims (the allowing-gays-to-marry-is-
He has also claimed that teaching tolerance in school leads to Hitler.
Dobson is (unsurprisingly) a creationist and a frequent critic of evolution. He also, with 24 other evangelicals, called for the ouster of Rev. Richard Cizik from his position at the National Association of Evangelicals because Cizik had urged evangelicals to take global warming seriously. Dobson was also a firm opponent of McCain’s presidential candidacy, partially because he “voted for embryonic stem-cell research to kill nascent human beings”.
If you're willing to run the risk of your head exploding, you can watch this dialogue between Dobson and Glenn Beck.
Diagnosis: An astoundingly repulsive character, and a true loon. He has been referred to as "the nation's most influential evangelical leader" by Time, and Slate described him as "America's most influential evangelical leader." A not insignificant threat to civilization, then.
Here's Dobson seeing the end of America again. For a good Dobson resource, go here.
ReplyDeleteThis little tidbit is some years old, but it is kinda fascinating hearing Dobson delude himself over the dangers of Dungeons & Dragons. He must have been playing a rather different game than ordinary role players do.
ReplyDeleteApparently Dobson has recognized that some of the fundies have gone fully unhinged lately, and is quite determined to catch up.
ReplyDeleteFor something really ugly and scary, you can see James Dobson endorse deranged lunatic theocrat Roy Moore.
ReplyDeleteHere's an update on Dobson's bipartisan Day of Prayer.
ReplyDeleteHere is Dobson arguing that God ought to destroy America. Good thing, then, that destroying America is, also according to Dobson, exactly what God is up to at this very moment anyways.
ReplyDeleteA summary of Dobson on the Sandy Hook shootings, including some rabid anger at commentators and bloggers for quoting him accurately.
ReplyDeleteHere is Dobson being dishonest again, though I doubt Dobson being dishonest can properly be called "news".
ReplyDeleteDobson, too, has a word or two to contribute to the current debate over Christian persecution. As usual, facts and reason are not Dobson's strongest sides.