We’ve dealt with mad anti-gay bigots before, but even the most insane among them rarely venture to the rabid insanity of Scott Lively (well, Bryan Fischer does, not unexpectedly). Lively is a whacko Taliban fundamentalist who blames gays for virtually everything (terrorism, Islam, natural disaster, communism, Obama, oil prices, you name it). He is most famous for writing, with Kevin Abrams, the book “The Pink Swastika”, in which they “argue” that gays were behind the Nazi Party. Yes. The German Nazis were really gays, or at least swayed by the gay agenda. The evidence is, well, unclear (but Lively emphasizes that these were not the feminine “swish” gays, but the brutal, ultra-macho “butch” gays). The Nazi party was appealing to the gays because:
“[the gays] are all fundamentally social outcasts and consequently have a community of interests which tends to make them think and feel more or less alike. […] homosexuals, too, frequently regard themselves as a special form of creation or as chosen ones whose destiny it is to initiate a new order […] The fact that underneath they feel themselves to be different and ostracized from normal social contacts usually makes them easy converts to a new social philosophy which does not discriminate against them [like … the Nazi party?].”
In fact, the atrocities committed by the Nazis were driven by the immoral urges of the gay Nazi elite. The well-known anti-gay laws and mass murders of homosexuals in Nazi Germany were just a distraction to conceal the fact that Nazis were gay.
According to Lively “There is a war that is going on in the world. There is a war that is waging across the entire face of the globe. It's been waging in the United States for decades, and it's been waging in Europe for decades. It's a war between Christians and homosexuals.”
Lively, who is the former head of the California branch of the American Family Association has also written “7 Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child” and “Redeeming the Rainbow”. He also runs the organization Watchman on the Walls, and has been involved in the infamous Ugandan anti-gay laws. In 2009 Lively, Don Schmierer (to be covered later) and Caleb Lee Brundidge gave a series of talks in Kampala on the gay agenda – “that whole hidden and dark agenda” – and the threat homosexuals posed to Bible-based values and the traditional African family. The talks (more on Lively’s actual talk can be found here) famously inspired the development of a private member's Anti-Homosexuality Bill in the Ugandan parliament. The bill called for the death penalty in some cases, and received international opprobrium. After Uganda was criticized for killing some homosexuals, Lively, in batshit insane angry mode, expressed his condemnation – of the criticism! Uganda is the victim here, of the international gay agenda.
Lively is also the president of the Abiding Truth Ministries, designated – unsurprisingly – by Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group. You can read Lively’s open letter to the gay community explaining his motives and history here.
Diagnosis: Completely corrupted, raging crackpot bigot whose main goal seems to be genocide, Lively is an utterly repugnant human being (and a complete madman) who is already morally if not legally partially responsible for several deaths and should be indicted for crimes against humanity. And a really frightening number of wingnuts actually listen to him. Extremely dangerous.
Wow, even professional nuts Mike Huckabee and Rick Warren were condemining Uganda's Anti-Gay Law. That shows how unhinged this character is.
ReplyDeleteHere's über-insane anti-gay bigot Peter LaBarbera interviewing Lively. Their conclusions are, shall we say, some distance removed from the real world.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course Lively is the real victim here.
ReplyDeleteHere is a statement from Lively asking for God to destroy the "nazi" Southern Poverty Law Center. Apparently the reason is that the SPLC has designated Lively's group a "hate group", in which case his statement is rather self-defeating.
ReplyDeleteAnd here we go again.
ReplyDeleteThis one is worth having a look at.
ReplyDeleteOk, Just to emphasize that we haven't forgotten him.
ReplyDeleteLively thinks the draconian Ugandan anti-gay laws are a model for the world.
ReplyDeleteLively is back again to praise God for the explosion in a strip club, which killed and injured several firefighters and police officers – clearly agents of evil.
ReplyDeleteHere is Lively, unsurprisingly, endorsing life-imprisonment for gay people.
ReplyDeleteMore pertinent warnings from Lively
According to Lively, “True” human rights will be finished if the gay rights movement succeeds.
At least Lively is somewhat more straightforward than most of the anti-gay people who otherwise seem to agree with him (not that it makes him less morally repugnant). He has for instance explicitly called for censoring and discriminating against gays. That would apparently include president Obama, since Lively is allegedly in possession of evidence that Obama is gay and is having an affair with Reggie Love.
ReplyDeleteHere is Lively trying to explain what the boy scouts, catholicism and the nazis have in common. No reward for guessing that he fails miserably (hint: the boy scouts were founded by Satan). Following the victory of in the boy scouts, Lively also predicts that gay activists will now, true to their dark past, launch a blitzkrieg against the church. Why a blitzkrieg, precisely, rather than other types of warlike action? Well, that’s what nazis do, isn’t it? And nazis, boy scouts, people who disagree with him … they’re all the same, and Lively sure as hell doesn’t need evidence to back up his claim other than that it is an idea in his mind.
ReplyDeleteSurely Lively's praise of Russia under Vladimir Putin as a "beacon of freedom" is worthy of note?
ReplyDeleteIt's only a matter of time before this unpleasant character is discovered wallowing in a drug-fuelled gay tryst in a seedy motel room and finally revealing the source of his intense gayphobia.
ReplyDeleteIt's all in the name of freedom. Indeed, Lively has called Russia a beacon of freedom for their anti-gay laws, whereas the US has started to resemble the former Soviet Union (indeed, he has called the Russian law "one of my proudest achievements" (His role in anti-gay efforts overseas are described here). And no, Lively doesn't understand what freedom is.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Obama is the antichrist who is working with Satanic gays to bring about the Apocalypse (also here - which Lively looks forward to, but still. Also, the commies are coming.
Perhaps that is why he is considering running for Massachusetts governor.
Lively has recently also launched yet another anti-gay group; this time, just as all the other times, to fight against gay rights is literally a life-or-death battle against Satan. The gays, you see, are ushering in the end times, according to Lively. Also, gay people cannot think straight. And marxist gay people are to blame for the divorce rates. At least he finds comfort in his conviction that a revolution is coming since people are fed up with the lawless homosexual agenda.
ReplyDeleteThere is, by the way, a nice summary of Lively’s relationship to the Ugandan anti-gay laws here. It is also worth mentioning that he is releasing a new edition of his pink swastika book. Perhaps it will contain his arguments against homosexuality from science: Science says that gays are using body parts where they are not supposed to be used. But I don’t think science says that.
At least he is not entirely single-minded. Lively has for instance recently come out as a freemasonry conspiracist. And here he offers some common, and some rather unusual, anti-abortion arguments.