Friday, December 9, 2011

#270: David Menton

Yes, we’re dealing with another absurdly confused creationist. David Menton is an anatomist (with a PhD) and a regular contributor to Answers in Genesis (AiG). He has, among other things, contributed to the study of baraminology, a crackpot discipline bent on providing a creationist alternative to Linnaean taxonomy and cladistics based on a Biblically literal young Earth world view. He also works at the Creation Museum and is involved with AiG’s journal, the Answers Research Journal. For instance, he, Anne Habermehl and David A. DeWitt contributed letters to vol.3 under the common headline “Baraminological Analysis Places Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis and Australopithecus sediba in the Human Holobaramin: Discussion”, which basically displays Menton’s (and the others’) shock that a creationist (Todd Wood) could consider other hominids human. As Menton says: “Most importantly, the Bible believing creationist will be careful to confine himself to speculations that are consistent with God’s Word.” That pretty much sums him up.

Maybe we misunderstand him. This ridiculous letter (from him, Georgia Purdom and Andrew Snelling) suggests as much. But no – and Menton sums up his position on science again here. While one may wonder why anyone would bother, it is at least nice to see a real scientist (Martin Brazeau) take down Menton’s delusional ramblings on Tiktaalik here. Menton has a PhD in anatomy, for crying out loud – one may wonder how he got that given the complete lack of knowledge of the issue displayed in his original piece. More here.

He has also been an accomplice in attempts to get creationism taught in public schools, and is a tireless opponent of what he calls “scientism”.

Diagnosis: The usual. While he’s not the biggest name in the movement, Menton is still a prominent champion of ignorance and delusion.


  1. I quickly clicked over to the Tiktaalik article to see Dr. Menton being "taken down" by a "real scientist", Martin Brazeau. But in case you haven't heard, the hind structures on Taktaalik which Menton disputed as being vestigial are NOT vestigial after all - but are absolutely necessary in order for the whale to have sex. So Dr. Menton was absolutely right. Now I'm sure you'll immediately issue an apology for slandering his good name.... But I won't hold my breath. ;)

    1. Please supply the published article on the sexual necessity of these organs. They were not reffered to in the article that Menton (fittingly this name means 'a lie' in old French) is referencing. fi

    2. Haha, creatards think Tiktaalik is a whale. That's adorable.

      Less adorable is their continued failure to understand the very concept of a vestige in biology.

      Oh, Dr. Menton is dumb too (oh, but you must put the Dr. in there because that's how scientists appear sciency, and looking for "Dr." or "Ph.D." on the cover is how you tell it's not pseudoscience ;) ).

    3. hello Kristen. Sorry to disappoint you but you're absolutely wrong and misinformed. Your post was a long time ago, so I'm sure you realise that by now

    4. That's not vestigial means.
      A Vestigial structure can still have a use.

  2. i typed a comment but apparently it didn't stick. :(
    I support Menton. Hes not a loon, you are

  3. are my comments sticking? i can't tell

  4. Luckily NO ONE has to go hell! 😁 and saying what you did, does not send anyone to hell. 😂😂😂
    You are ignorant. 😂

  5. Menton is still promoting that the eye is a product of intelligent design. I can't stop laughing at the fact that the loon keeps using the same old dead argument that has been debunked a thousand times over.

    1. Actually, it was never debunked even once. I'm inclined to disbelieve what evolution tries to teach since it has never offered up even one provable shred of evidence - not one. This is common knowledge among "scientists" but still they proceed as if it were fact, evolution appears to be no more than another religion. People put their faith in it but its unprovable.

    2. False. I'd suggest you learn what a peer reviewed research paper is and then realise your delusion is due to cognitive dissonance caused by your religious indoctrination and abject fear of death. Your ignorance in this day and age is prolific.

  6. Are there any loons propagating evolution or are they all absolutely correct in everything they say?

    1. Larry it's a case of authority. The loons in relation to evolution aren't taken seriously by the vast majority of biologists so aren't referenced as an authority by biologists.
      Though if you're looking for someone to relreerep you as an authority then those loons get their platform.
      All about agendas.

  7. What's loony is an evolutionist desperately trying to prove "Lucy" to be the Holy Missing Link Grail by using a fricking power tool to "correct" an "incorrect" fossil. Catch the narration on the segment. The perfect fit of the bones as they were found is "an illusion," but after they are artificially altered, suddenly they're a perfect fit!

  8. The real loons are those who believe that eyes, whether of insects, birds or mammals, 'evolved' and developed mutation-by-mutation over the course of billions of years. Of course these same loons have their own books of fairy tales and their own all-time-favorite authors including, Uncle Richard's Bedtime Stories ... Rudyard Kipling would have mind-boggled that his Just-So stories became the basis for 21st century explanations for the origin of the varieties of living organisms!!

    1. Proven irrefutably with peer reviewed research. Your ignorance of science isn't evidence of god, it's evidence that you're ignorant and uneducated.
