Zen Honeycutt (we have no reason to
think its not a given name) is an anti-biotech activist and figurehead in the
anti-GMO movement, a conspiracy theorist, and the founder of the anti-biotech
organization Moms Across America (MAA). In that role Honeycutt has been heavily
involved in spreading bizarre myths, claiming things like that going GMO-free and organic cures autism (she has appeared at the Autism One quackfest conference, for instance, and on Dr. Oz's show – neither of which inspire much confidence in what she is saying – as well
as The Liberty Beacon),
and that glyphosate causes maladies ranging from mental illness to infertility.
People who know anything about the
topics disagree approach, of course, and Honeycutt’s approach to critics is to
question their integrity (and even identity)
and assume that they are bought by nefarious shadow organizations,
since no one can disagree with her delusions without being corrupt and out to
get her and ruin the world. And of course, since Honeycutt’s main scientific
credential is being a mom she
dismisses non-mom contributions as irrelevant (“You don’t have children. You don’t know what it’s like. You haven’t had
a child come from your body”). Indeed, the motherhood angle really is the
subterfuge on which her approach to biotech issues is based; science and evidence and cold facts
matter little when up against the mommy instinct (Honeycutt and her group accuse critics of being “mommy shamers”). That, and – of course – shill accusations;
when you don’t understand and therefore cannot engage with the science, dismiss the scientists as corrupt;
it’s the mark of idiots to try to explain why someone is wrong before
establishing that they are, in fact, wrong, and thinking that questioning
someone’s motives for making a claim is a substitute for evaluating the claim. But when you aren't competent to engage with the claim itself, what choice do you have? Examples of what interacting with Zen Honeycutt while disagreeing with her is
like can be found here and here.
The MAA’s misinformation-based political campaigns are sponsored by donors that include Organic Consumer’s Association, Nature’s
Path Organic and Nutiva, largely unregulated commercial outfits that stand to
gain a lot from any successes MAA’s campaigns may enjoy. But those are good companies. The companies that in
fact don’t sponsor the critics of MAA are evil, and conflicts of interest arise
only for those who disagree with MAA while being (in fact not) sponsored by
Honeycutt knows nothing about GMOs,
and ignorance breeds fear and so on. A good illustration of her approach can be
found in her own responses (discussed here)
to the “scientific report” MAA published in 2013 concerning the “stunning”
nutrient content in GMO corn vs. non-GMO corn (apparently they mistook a report of soil data with nutrient contents – and promptly failed to understand the difference when it was pointed out to
them), complete with no cited sources, no methods, and blatantly wrong
definitions in the footnotes – when scientists pointed out the, uh, shortcomings of the “report” in the comment section, the comments were of course mostly deleted, but
Honeycutt’s own telling responses include:
- “(GMO
nurition) explains a lot…why animals will
NOTeat GMO corn even in the dead of winter.” (A glorious example of PIDOOMA;
Honeycutt doesn’t appear to understand why anyone would ask for references.)
- “(this
is) Why human allergies have increased
400% since GMOs were introduced…why health issues have skyrocketed.” The
increase, were it accurately reported, correlates better with the rise in sales of organic foods, in fact.
- “Irregardless of this report, I have scores
of Moms who have answered our health survey who repeatedly share that going off GMOs reduced, improved or
dissappeared their children’s and their own health issues.” That would be
the survey on her own website.
- “Not eating something that has this many
toxins in it would for sure be a factor in an improvement in health.” Yes,
the toxin gambit.
Only Honeycutt can know how her mind gets GMOs to have anything to do with
toxins, but she probably doesn’t.
At least it gives you an idea of
what you are dealing with.
Honeycutt and MAA are also ardent campaigners against
glyphosate (actual facts here)
with all the accuracy and precision of the dolphin healing section at whale.to.
According to Honeycutt and the MAA glyphosate residues can be linked to autism, allergies, infertility, eczema,
fibromyalgia, Crohn’s Disease, cancer, childhood tantrums and pneumonia, and
the existence of such residues in breastmilk is accordingly a real cause for
concern. Of course, glyphosate doesn’t cause any of the things mentioned (this one refutes the idea that glyphosate is a carcinogen, for instance), and residues
are in any case not found in breastmilk, as confirmed by real scientists with real studies.
The idea that it does, comes from an incorrectly processed assay of ten samples
with a method that is known to generate false positives,
gathered and reported by … none but Zen Honeycutt herself and published in the
reputable venue of the MAA website. Honeycutt’s response to the refutation of
her results was to invoke a Monsanto-led conspiracy.
She didn’t engage with the data, of course.
![]() |
Standard trajectory of GMO debates. I'd like to hat-tip this one, but I'm not sure what the source is. |
Not surprisingly, Monsanto is Honeycutt’s prime nefarious
Illuminati shadow government agency (this is a telling refutation of that idea), and one of the main reason why people
continue to disagree with Honeycutt is “the
hold Monsanto has on our media”.
Her tweet “@BarackObama
Teen pregnancies are at an all time low because our people are being sterilized
by glyphosate in our food and water‼!” sums her approach to facts up fairly
well. In fairness, the idea expressed in the tweet isn’t new – insane
conspiracy websites like NaturalNews and GreenMedInfo have been pushing it for a while. But it is exasperatingly stupid.
Fortunately, eating organic can reverse or even cure the
maladies caused by GMO foods. (According to Honeycutt, “we want not only GMO free but organic, to avoid pesticides,” which suggests
that she is under – or at least pushes – the delusion that organic foods are pesticide-free).
On Dr. Oz’s show, Honeycutt claimed that her son had at some point been experiencing autism symptoms; because her doctor
didn’t test him for glyphosate levels, Honeycutt used a private lab which
detected glyphosate levels “8 times
higher than found anywhere in Europe urine testing,” and that within six
weeks of going “completely GMO-free and
organic, his autism symptoms were gone and the level of glyphosate was no
longer detectable.” She didn’t back up her claims because the idea that
autism can be reversed by going organic is ridiculous and false.
Another cure for autism pushed by Honeycutt is … “molecular hydrogen”. That’s
right. Molecular hydrogen is a tiny
form of hydrogen that enters your cells and turns the bad free radicals (not
the good ones) into water; and to top it all: it’s natural, so it’s safe. The
cure comes in the form of a little pill that you drop into water containing
hydrogen and magnesium and releases hydrogen gas. Yes, magnesium hydride
Diagnosis: Though their grammar is
better than the grammar of people who think they are vampires and rant about
how alien atheist-Muslim lizards from Mars are trying to mind-control them
through their television sets, the actual claims
made by Honeycutt’s group aren’t many steps up. And the tactic of accusing your
opponents to be shills for Monsanto because your mommy instinct tells you that
you’re right and that those who disagrees you with you are organized and
wouldn’t disagree with you if they were honest isn’t much better than the
tactic of dismissing your opponent’s claim that lizard people conspiracies are
unlikely by pointing out that this is precisely what those in on the lizard
people conspiracy would say. But the MAA has influence – even some political
clout – and that’s very, very scary.
Wondered when you were going to get around to this fruitcake. Have you done Lowell Hubbs yet?
ReplyDeleteDon't you hate it when people you agree with repeat misconceptions? Even rationalists can fudge facts a little.
ReplyDeleteMonsanto is actually much larger than Whole Foods. True Whole Foods' sales are just a little less than Monsanto's, but gross sales is just one measure of a company's size, and not a particularly good one across different industries. The grocery industry famously has a high sales volume. By other measures of size, including profits and capitalization, Monsanto is several times larger than Whole Foods.
Ok, I've looked around, and I suppose you're right. I've updated the post accordingly (being rationalists doesn't mean that we're immune to misconceptions but that we try to update our beliefs when they are pointed out to us.)
DeleteI have a degree in chemistry and physics.
ReplyDeleteJust discovered her MAA Facebook page.
Hours of entertainment there, LOL