Thursday, March 21, 2024

#2750: Katherine DeGraw

Demons are everywhere, and did you know that you may be worshipping and enabling them without even knowing? You do so e.g. by (perhaps unwittingly) participating in demonic rituals, such as celebrating Halloween. Oh, yes: if you thought dressing up to celebrate Halloween was harmless fun, think again: Halloween celebration is actually dangerous participation in demonic Satan worship. And incoherent fundies like Katherine DeGraw have taken it upon themselves to warn you.


DeGraw makes her case in her ebook Why Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween, heavily promoted by Charisma magazine, containing what DeGraw describes as nine “teachings” about Halloween based on the assumption that “[t]he demonic realm is alive and active”. Though people often recognize that “evil forces” drive actions like mass shootings, laments DeGraw, for some reason “when it comes to the pagan celebration of Halloween, we somehow do not see it as having the same demonic and evil impact as those other tragedies”. Part of the motivation for writing the book, seems accordingly to have been to try to sort out the mystery of how people could miss the obvious similarities between trick-and-treting and mass shootings when they’re virtually identical. “The effects of Halloween and human sacrifices are just as real. However, authorities – and the news media – simply don’t report them.” Did you see how elegantly she just threw “human sacrifices” into that sentence?


Meanwhile, Christians who see the holiday as harmless fun are “co-laboring with the works of darkness” and essentially supporting occult practices like having sex with demons and sacrificing babies to drink their blood. (Yes, the connection to QAnon is pretty direct.) Accordingly, DeGraw urges Christians to be on the “counteroffensive” against the “demonic realm”, which is conjuring up “curses, spells, vexes and other evil practices” in October to “destroy Christians, uproot prophetic destinies and come against the plans of God.” The most important step these fellow travelers could take is to repent for their past participation in Halloween the same way they’d repent for “pornography, masturbation, rape, stealing, or vulgar language.” “Why is Halloween any different?” It’s instructive to consider what types of ideas and assumptions you need to make to think that that is a good question.


Diagnosis: Dingbat insane, of course, and though we haven’t tried to trace DeGraw’s subsequent development, we wouldn’t be surprised if they led to the darkest corners of QAnon. Fortunately it’s hard to conceive of her rantings as having much impact on anything.


Hat-tip: Peter Montgomery @ rightwingwatch


  1. I'm paraphrasing this a little, but the basic old saying goes like this: "Somewhere someone is having some harmless fun, and there is someone out there who is raising a big stink about it."
    Meanwhile just about every month, a "good Christian" in a leadership role is caught in a sex and/or money scandal.

  2. I wonder how DeGraw feels about Easter and Christmas being heavily rooted in ancient Pagan traditions?
