Wednesday, August 28, 2024

#2806: Ann Eller

Ann Eller is a nurse, new age religious fundie and conspiracy theorist. Eller has, according to herself and as laid out in her book Dragon in the Sky: Prophecy from the Stars, had numerous encounters with other-worldly beings and views it as her mission to spread what is usually rather fluffy and insubstantial messages to humanity she has received during these encounters; her book has been kindly described as a “fruit salad of vague, warmed-over new age claptrap, peppered with rambling musings about dreams, Eastern mysticism, folk theology, encounters with celestial beings, and fringe urban mythology”.


In particular, Eller claims to have met with the Anunnaki, and a recurrent message from those is that humans have to change their ways if they are to have any hopes of surviving the Earth changes that will come when planet Nibiru approaches. Apparently, the Anunnaki has done this warning thing before: Last time Nibiru approached, they warned a guy called Noah so that he’d build an ark to survive the subsequent cataclysm. A major source of evidence for Eller is her dreams – “In a recent dream, I was shown the exact location of Planet X” (her dreams are, of course, IM’s from angels) – but she has apparently also, unlike anyone else, seen Nibiru with her own eyes. And of course, the fact that the government isn’t talking about this shows that there is a conspiracy afoot: instead of telling us what Eller perceives to be the truth, the government serves us nonsense about “man-made ‘global warming’ ” to hide what’s happening.


Coast to Coast AM has of course featured her work.


Diagnosis: Pretty obscure, and we frankly have no idea how we came by the name. Interviews and podcasts from her occasionally pop up at the fringes of the Internet, but we honestly have no idea whether her current rants align with her previous ones (in light of the 2012 disappointment) or whether she’s received the help and support she needs in the meantime (doubtful).

1 comment:

  1. Talk about off the deep end. At least (so far) she seems to be harmless.
