Monday, February 12, 2024

#2734: Tyler Dahm

Tyler Dahm is an ultimately relatively minor Colorado-based anti-vaxxer who claims that her adopted child became developmentally delayed as a result of vaccines based on gut feeling, no evidence whatsoever and, presumably, a wish to be an independent thinker unfettered by science, fact or reason. Now, Dahm has occasionally claimed to be a physician graduating from the University of Colorado School of Medicine, though elsewhere she has admitted to dropping out of medical school because the professors didn’t believe her stories about vaccines (presumably because narrow-minded professors have been brainwashed into thinking that evidence matters). The people behind the Vaxxed bus tour did believe her, however, and promptly featured Dahm and her claims in their propaganda materials. (It is worth noting that Dahm’s LinkedIn profile doesn’t claim that she’s ever attended medical school, listing her instead as owner of the quack business Pathways Natural Wellness Center in the relevant period, a company that was selling useless junk medicine including a detox footbath to cure autism, no less.)


Dahm is primarily notable for a video she produced in which she accosted (then-)California state senator, vaccine advocate and frequent target of antivaxx hate Richard Pan at Denver airport. We are unsure how Dahm thought the video, which is discussed here, would support her cause, but at least it illustrates well the sort of unhinged thinking, cherry-picking and rank denialism we all associate with the anti-vaccine movement. Dahm concludes the video by pretending to be shocked by Pan’s patient, reasoned, well-supported, factual statements and labeling them “misinformation”. Even Dahm seems to have realized the video didn’t exactly help her case and promptly tried (and failed) to delete any traces of from the internet.


Diagnosis: Unhinged anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist and likely to be a danger to her immediate surroundings. Her broader significance is questionable, but Dahm is sufficiently crazy to warrant an entry in our Encyclopedia.


Hat-tip: Skepticalraptor

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