Among Corsi’s conspiracy theories are the NAFTA highway, the alleged plans for a North American Government, criticism of the United States government for allegedly covering up information about the 9/11, the abiotic theory of petroleum (arguing that oil is produced from chemical reactions in the Earth, rather than from biological matter – in fact, the argument isn’t mainly the usual creationist ones, but arguments from the conspiracy that oil is a scarce commodity), and that the United States (i.e. the Democrats) really support Iran in their attempt to develop nuclear weapons.
As a matter of fact, Corsi’s attacks haven’t only been directed at the Democrats; he also alleged that a Muslim terrorist group group with ties to criminal drug networks and al-Qaida has given "strong support" to John McCain, and that "the Republican Party is controlled by what used to be called the ‘Rockefeller Wing'”. Politically, Corsi backs Chuck Baldwin, who has already been covered in our Encyclopedia.
Corsi’s most famous achievment was his 2004 book “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry,” the book that (dishonestly) started the rumors of Kerry’s “cowardice” in the Vietnam war. Purely made up, of course, but the distinction between truth and falsity has always been blurry (or rather unimportant) for people like Corsi. His equally non-factual book on Obama, book The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, was released in 2008. More on Corsi’s antics can be found here.
He frequently hangs out with White Supremacists, and with Alex Jones (who will be covered here in due time; don’t worry). He is also (in addition to being a Troofer) a Birfer and spends a lot of time warning people about the planned, Government-run concentration camps.
Even right-wing pundits like Medved think Corsi is a kook. That should tell you something.
Diagnosis: Utterly unhinged, pathologically unable to distinguish truth from falsehood from fantasy from opinion. Has had a huge impact, however and must be considered severely dangerous.
Corsi is still a birther, of course. Here's Corsi complaining that no one is taking the birthers seriously anymore.
ReplyDeleteMore on Corsi's ridiculous birther promotion here.
ReplyDeleteBut at least his birther views evolved - and if you didn't think they could become more crazy, then ... well, they could.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget his ideas on abiotic oil. They have evolved as well. Unfortunately his gotch-questions for those darn conspiring liberal scientist are of a kind that one would think even Alex Jones, George Noory, or Jim Pinkoski would be wary of touching them.
ReplyDeleteOk; so apparently being a birther is not quite sufficient for Corsi. So instead he's jumped to claiming that Obama was in a gay marriage with his Pakistani roommate during his college years.
ReplyDeleteDespite being a birther claiming that Obama was born in Kenya, Corsi is also pushing the idea that Obama is the son of American labor activist Frank Marshall Davis, not quite realizing that those two positions are rather blatantly incompatible.
ReplyDeleteAt least Corsi must be commended for his judicious selection of sources to trust.
ReplyDeleteMore from Corsi’s deranged, far-away, alternative reality here.
ReplyDeleteCorsi continues to support Gilbert here, proving himself to be the dumbest, most insane conspiracy theorist with any influence in the US at the moment. No mean feat.
ReplyDeleteThere's an excellent portrait of Corsi here.
ReplyDeleteCorsi has a new book again. This time it is about how evolution, the ACLU and powerful Jewish forces will destroy America (also here. Same as ever, in other words. And as always, the book is light on truth and fact, and heavy on paranoid rhetorics. Were you aware that ACLU is ACLU is promoting pedophilia and leading us back to paganism? Neither is reality, of course, but reality has never mattered much to Jerome Corsi.
ReplyDeleteCorsi just lies about the ACLU, in fact.
ReplyDeleteAnd he has established that the ACLU will shut down churches. His evidence is, well, he doesn't bother so much about that.
ReplyDeleteCorsi on how gay rights will lead to legalization of snuff films and the end of freedom.
ReplyDeleteThere is a good article on Corsi here. Of course, Corsi is impressively productive when it comes to new, semi-coherent conspiracy drivel (such as attempts to explain how the KGB is behind Democratic party strategies). Here he explains some of it to Sandy Rios (to be covered).
ReplyDeleteI don't think anyone at this point would be able to spot the difference between Corsi and your standard whale.to whackjob. His chat with Alex Jones on the issue of treason is at least pretty clear. Or what about his pretty tortured attempt to argue that Obama is using gay people to collapse the health insurance system in order to implement single-payer health care? And his newest book is about - in rather typical whale.to vein - what Corsi thinks is the real fate of Hitler. Come on.