Among the lawsuits Klayman has filed is (at least) one against the Islamic Center in Manhatten on the grounds that the project was a “nuisance”.
Klayman is predictably enough among those who suspect Obama of harboring secret, less than benign motives: “Despite Obama's early claims that his is a Christian, the American people are not stupid. Simply calling oneself a Christian, does not make one a Christian. Obama's heart tilts toward radical Islam and the terrorist states which it foments". He also argued that Obama was behind the swine flu. His evidence is a little unclear. He has also raged about what he perceives as a government conspiracy to hide evidence for extra-terrestrial life (yes, that’s the level his mind operates at).
Klayman likes attention, and has apparently realized that making a fool of himself is a good way to get it.
Diagnosis: Legendary kook, and a rather entertaining one. Probably relatively harmless.
He has also endorsed Michele Bachmann for president. And the way he did it is rather breathtaking.
ReplyDeleteHere's Klayman urging a second revolution after the mullah in charge of the US.
ReplyDeleteHe has some imaginative conspiracy theories, I'll give him that.
ReplyDeleteLooks like things ain't going too well for him, though.
ReplyDeleteMore on Klayman calling for revolution here.
ReplyDelete... surely the call for a revolution is partially motivated by the idea that Obama is a traitor.
ReplyDeleteKlayman recently went head-first into another complete legal loss (representing none other than Bradlee Dean), and his reaction is absolutely priceless.
ReplyDeleteKlayman contributes his two cents on Obama here.
ReplyDeleteYou can read about Klayman’s newest birther suit here. Apparently, he is still running a series of the most ridiculous wingnut cases in court, for he is also responsible for WND’s appeal of their utterly lost lawsuit against Esquire.
ReplyDeleteKlayman has recently also voiced his opinion that a revolution is needed to bring down ‘black-muslim’ Obama. (Also here). He told his readers to “pray that Obama and Biden and the likes of Pelosi and Reid are so stupid as to carry through with their threats, so that the masses will finally be provoked to rise up as they did in colonial times,” also calling Vice President Biden’s gun task force recommendations, which haven’t even been released yet, “a declaration of war against the American people and our way of life,” hoping they “will in the end serve to be their own undoing and result in our liberation from their evil clutches.” Matt Barber agrees, by the way.
ReplyDeleteLarry Klayman expands on
ReplyDeletehis birther antics. (He is, in fact, currently defending Joe Arpaio against his "bullies".)
Klayman also exhibits the standard rightwing extremist delusions of tyranny, which is to be expected when you get your information from the WND. He recently called for armed revolution against Obama, and here he explains his concerns surrounding Obama’s “Stalinist power grab”.
Though he was always critically insane, Klayman's gradual deterioration the last few years has been an interesting spectacle. Currently he's just sad. Though you have to be amused by something like this.
ReplyDeleteHere he laments how the president doesn't like jews, rich people, people of faith or white people (i.e. the president doesn't agree with Klayman's political views; therefore the president hates anyone who Klayman identifies with). It's not just Obama, though. Klayman has also accused Clinton of committing fraud against the American people by being secretly gay. Yup. His court cases aren't going particularly well at the moment either.
Guess who’s behind gay marriage and the recent IRS “scandal”? Well, the Jews. Yes, that’s where Klayman is at the moment, though I guess we’ve seen it coming for some time. No big surprise either that he fears Obama and his comrades seizing absolute power in a communist takeover. Indeed, Obama is apparently a “Hitler figure” who is an ”even more dangerous tyrant than king George III”. No wonder Klayman would be proud to lead the “second American revolution” against the country’s current, democratically elected leader.
ReplyDeleteKlayman continues to bring in the stupid. Indeed, it seems impossible for him to touch a topic without being slightly more insane and moronic about it than you initially thought possible. The NSA surveillance issue? According to Klayman the surveillance was a means to oppress white people and make them pay reparations. And that is, of course, not the only conspiracy he pushes. Did you know that America has been hijacked by Islam, and has a president currently actively leading the Muslim revolution? Well, Klayman claims to know.
ReplyDeleteClearly, violent revolution looms on the horizon, and civil disobedience (which Klayman usually is no fan of since it is usually not used to further causes he agrees with) may be required. In fact, we may need an exile government to combat the “modern-day Nazis” of the Obama administration. What justifies the comparison? Aww, you know better than to ask for that.
In a not-so-rare moment of delusions of grandeur he has even expanded on his goals.
As a surprise to nobody, not even himself, one suspects (despite his delusional predictions), Klayman's 2013 rally, rather than changing the political landscape forever, flopped. Despite the endorsement of the WND. Well, maybe he didn't know. After all, as late as the day before, he seemed so confident that his “second American Revolution” would be successful that he had already planned a second Continental Congress to organize a new system of government.
ReplyDeleteHere is his amusing post mortem. Do you think he admitted defeat? He still thinks a new revolution is needed, of course, in particular to prevent Obama from giving Klayman's personal information to his communist henchmen, which is a particularly idiotic take on a real issue. He even alleged that the government has been sending out emails from his email account; ostensibly to make him look bad.
He did, however, win a lawsuit against the NSA over its domestic surveillance program (fish in a barrel, really). His response, however, was ... interesting.