We can’t be bothered to cover Priscilla Shirer. Shirer is a
Biblical motivational speaker who has authored mountains of tripe, but looking
through it for a single, concrete claim in the nebulous, wooey clouds of fluffy
gibberish is simply too daunting a task. She’s disqualified on technical
grounds. And Andrew Shirvell needs a hug more than an entry in our Encyclopedia.
At least they pale in comparison with the amazing Walid
Shoebat. Shoebat is a central actor in what seems to be a burgeoning industry of fake and questionable “former terrorists” who are selling their alleged
expertise to the FBI, local police departments and – first and foremostly –
lunatic wingnut talkshow hosts and columnists (Kamal Saleem is another). Shoebat is a self-proclaimed “Former Muslim Brotherhood Member Now
Peace Activist,” ex-terrorist and terrorism expert, with an emphasis on
“self-proclaimed” – those investigating his background has found anything resembling evidence for any terrorist or even particularly radical
Muslim background, and quite a bit of evidence to the contrary (there are, for
instance, no record of the terrorist attack in which he claims to have
participated, and his story contains some impressively blatant contradictions)
– and even if correct his background would hardly make him an expert on
terrorism, something he has had ample opportunity to demonstrate. Nevertheless
Shoebat, as a fundamentalist Christian, currently makes his living as an
expensive lecturer and co-author of silly, paranoia-pandering books like The Case FOR Islamophobia: Jihad by the
Word; America's Final Warning, and has become a pretty familiar face on
fake news outlets such as Fox News. (Investigations into his finances and
accountability have also led to some curious results,
but that’s a different story).
And in his lectures and media appearance he gives you
precisely the kinds of idiocy you’d expect someone willing to pay 5000 bucks to
listen to a guy like this would want to hear. Apparently based on his
background, Shoebat is in a good position to point out that Obama is a Muslim –
“no one is called Hussein unless he is Muslim. So it is very clear that Barack
Hussein Obama is definitely a Muslim,” says Shoebat, evidently unaware of how
names work. And Obama’s pro-Islaimist worldview is motivated by Satan. “This is
a demonic influence and the more America becomes liberal, the more that kind of
influence prevails in America,” according to Shoebat (also here),
who warns that liberals will dispose of the First Amendment in order to ban
criticism of Islam and “the homosexual agenda” because … right. He managed to top most of the usual suspects on the Huma Abedin “case” – not only is Abedin a terrorist agent, “[i]t is extremely rare to have
Muslim women marry non-Muslims, much less to have conservative Muslims look the
other way, unless Huma has a ‘higher calling’ and a unique exception was made
for her, since she is an ear into top U.S. sensitive information, or Anthony
Weiner has converted to Islam or even both.” Yes, that’s how the mind of Walid
Shoebat works.
Though most of his ranting concerns the evils of Islam,
Shoebat does not shy away from criticizing other religions (or fail to see that
they are different from Islam). So Shoebat has, for instance, accused Glenn
Beck and David Barton (!) of attempting to bring about “Islamo-Mormon deistic universalism” because Islam and Mormonism are, well, the
same (never mind that Barton’s vision of government would make Oliver
Cromwell’s look like a pagan orgy) – according to Shoebat, Beck is a practitioner
of “Chrislam”. And don’t get him started on Buddhism: “The reality is that
Buddhism is just as violent, just as tyrannical, just as dangerous, and just as
demonic, as Islam. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dictated by the now and the
present, and not by prudence. The reason why Buddhists have, for a long time
now, given an aura of peace, is because Buddhism is not in a position of power
from which to commence violence and war. Buddhism has the concept of the use of
false peace to deceive one's enemy, just as in Islam there is the use of false
peace, or hudna (temporary truce), in order to trick the opponent to buy time
and regain strength.”
In his role as Bible scholar (which also produced this,
which we are not even going to try to make sense of; this is rather confusing as well), Shoebat has also determined that Allah is the antichrist of the book of Revelation, claiming that “the evidence
is overwhelming”. It tells you a bit about Shoebat’s standards of evidence. At
least it means – to Shoebat – that the war on terror (to him the just war
against Islam) really is “God’s war on terror”. And yes, the terrorists are
apparently all Muslims; for instance,
when Shoebat noticed that one of the victims of the Boston marathon bombings
was a Saudi guy he immediately concluded that he must be among the conspirators
(after said victim had been cleared immediately by the FBI, of course) and
berated Michelle Obama for visiting him during her visits to the bomb victims. But then, Muslim attempts to take over
the US are, apparently, everywhere and include for instance Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erodogan; proof? In
2013 a Turkish-American Cultural Center was being built in Maryland. What more do
you need (especially given Shoebat’s aforementioned standards of evidence)?
His son Theodore Shoebat seems to be following in his father’s footsteps,
and we’ll return to him in a future entry.
Diagnosis: Well, at least he has the mindset of a raging
Taliban fundie, we’ll grant that much. He seems to have a softer spine,