Wednesday, July 17, 2024

#2791: Patrocel Duque


Local village idiots self-publishing insane screeds promising to revolutionize everything is hardly news, and we cannot claim to have actually read Patrocel N. Duque’s vanity press-issued book Mathematical Proofs that God Exists, but we feel confident about including him here on the basis of his own description of its contents. Apparently, Duque’s book employsthe infinity equation”, which  is ostensibly “used today in physics and mathematics”, and Duque helpfully “deciphered and correlated it in terms of divinity”. People with any mathematics background might wonder what on Earth he’s talking about, but it’s reasonable to suspect that we’re entering the venerable field of numerology here.


And what precisely does he claim to achieve? “Significantly, my book refutes the Big Bang theory of Stephen Hawking, that the world came from nothing and there’s no relevance of God in the world’s creation, even if there is an organizer and designer as espoused by intelligent design proponents”. That is not an entirely precise rendition of ‘the Big Bang theory of Stephen Hawking’, but Duque’s is a branch of mathematics that eschews accuracy and precision. But oh, the book “also refutes Charles Darwin’s evolution of man theory – that man came from the apes”, a theory that Duque speculates mightcontribute to the rising incidence of violence in schools and our society” insofar as it’s taught in schools. Indeed, some “verses in the Bible could be proven mathematically,” as well (whatever that means given that they’re not supposed to mathematical theorems), and “the miracle of Jesus feeding 5,000 followers from five loaves of bread and two fish was also proven to be mathematically feasible” (in which case it would, presumably, not be a miracle). So there.


Duque himself is apparently based in the US territory of Guam and his publisher is Infinity Publishing, a company that promises to provide you “with the easiest and most comprehensive self-publishing experience”.


Diagnosis: Pretty obscure and unlikely to make any significant impact on anything; he might still be counted as a symptom of some slightly disturbing undercurrent of civilization, though, so worth a mention. 


Hat-tip: Sensuous Curmudgeon

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