Monday, November 27, 2023

#2707: Anne Schlafly Cori

Yes, she is the daughter of Phyllis Schlafly, a prominent member of the Schlafly clan, and a prominent figure in Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum, and Anne Schlafly Cori is more or less as deranged as the rest of them. That said, there have been some rifts in the family: In 2016, Anne Schlafly Cori led an Eagle Forum coup attempt (with Cathie Adams, Eunie Smith, Shirley Curry, Carolyn McLarty and Rosina “the anus is weak” Kovar) against her mother after the latter’s endorsement of Trump before the 2016 primaries (the others were Ted Cruz fans), and right before her death, Phyllis removed her daughter as trustee, leaving her son John as the sole trustee. When Phyllis died, the forum split into the “Phyllis Schlafly Forum” (the Schlafly brothers), and the Eagle Forum, run by Anne. We can’t, however, be bothered to go into detail about the internal politics of a lunatic, rabid wingnut organization: they are all loons.


We can’t be bothered to go into much detail when it comes to the garbage that tends to fall out of Anne Cori’s mouth either, but she is, predictably, no fan of LGBTQ rights, and has as such, just as predictably, classified herself as a victim of religious persecution because the separation of church and state (which she opposes) prevents government from forcing others to act in accordance with her religious (and other) views. She has also lamented today’s celebration of single mothers” and feminism in general. And she views immigration as a Democratic ploy to undermine the American two-party system.


Diagnosis: Old-school moral majority stuff, and hopefully headed straight for obscurity, though the modern-day conspiracy-fuelled Christian nationalism replacing it is hardly much of an improvement.

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