Many fundies have warned us about the dangers of pop music.
It’s really a calling card for the lunatic fringe of maniacal fundamentalist.
as Johnny Marr puts it,
Jeff Godwin belongs to “the lunatic fringe of the anti-rock movement” – indeed,
Godwin doesn’t hesitate to call out his fellow anti-rock activists as closet rock
fans and devil worshippers and has for decades been
Jack Chick’s go-to-guy for information about rock music and popular culture – Chick
published Godwin’s first three books Devil’s Disciples: The Truth About Rock
Dancing With Demons: The
Music’s Real Master,
What’s Wrong
With Christian Rock? One thing that distinguishes these and his other books
from those of other anti-rock writers like
Jacob Aranza,
is style. Godwin’s books are poorly written, unstructered and argumentatively
incoherent hate screeds characterized by fuming rage and lunatic ravings,
whereas Aranza could fool you for four or five seconds before you appreciate
the howling insanity expressed by his otherwise grammatically well-formed
According to Godwin, rock and roll music (yeah, we know)
traces its origins back thousands of years. Its rhythms were written by Satan
and his demons and have, accordingly, a subliminal power to control a
listener’s mind. Those rhythms eventually found their way, via Africa, into
blues, jazz and other forms of African American music and the rest of us
received this Satanic curse through African American voodoo culture. Indeed,
one of Godwin’s main ideas is the “voodoo
beat theory”: The rock beat has the same time signature as the human heart
(no, he hasn’t listened to much rock music), and hence clearly hypnotizes and
brainwashes listeners into accepting a message so evil that it could only be
It’s not only the rhythms, though; rock music is loaded with references to
sexual behavior of all kinds, and therefore encourages fornication amongst
youths and inspires lust and rage, as well as preaching “
rebellion, hatred, drug abuse,” it encourages “
mind decaying, death-dealing drugs”, in slang terms only understood
by teens, “
suicide, fornication and the
dark things of Satan”.
Of course, it is not
only promiscuous sex that is being promoted, but abnormal sex, as epitomized by
that nexus of darkness David Bowie, the “limp
wristed king of the abnormal world of Homo Rock”. All screamed rock vocals
are in fact inspired by the sound of the “homosexual
penetration of the male”, and whip crack drum beats are just a gateway to filthy
and unhibited homosexual S&M. The hypothesis tells you not so much about
rock, but might tell you things you might not want to know about William
Of course, the actual messages have been
backmasked (oh, yes), even though Satan’s presence has never required hiding.
“I believe that
even now Satan and his demons are blaspheming and insulting God and the Lamb
with their horrible rock record covers and backmasked broadcasts from Hell,”
says Godwin. As opposed to some backmask lunatics, Godwin doesn’t think
Satan has snuck into the messages without their knowledge, however; rock
musicians, producers and promoters are outright Satanists who maintain secret
but deliberate alliances with Satan and his demons (“
the Lord has also revealed to some Christians that incarnate demons
from the netherworld actually are members of some of the most popular bands ...”).
How do they do the backmasking? Simple: Rock stars
summon (literally) demons when they’re in studio to ensure hit records;
the backmasked messages are merely the signatures of the supernatural presences.
And once the demons have been brought into this world by the artists, playing a
rock record is enough to call them up to possess the listener or anyone nearby.
To say that “addiction to rock ‘n’ roll
is a form of demonic possession,” is to make an understatement. And we’re
not only talking about rock here: all of popular music is Satanic, since “NO ONE makes it big in secular music without
selling out to Satan.” “
We Are the
World,” for instance, with its message of “
Love is all we need” is wrong and demonic because “
Jesus Christ is what this world needs!”
Finally, Christian rock is a diversion created by Satan. The
Christian content preached in Christian rock is feel-good, inoffensive
religious messages and does accordingly not genuinely preach Christ, who
according to Godwin is not this effeminate, mild and benevolent guy he’s
sometimes portrayed as being; that mild and merciful guy is apparently a
creation of Satan and good grief this guy is insane. A particularly sinister
example is Stryper, as evidenced e.g. by their “To Hell With The Devil” album,
which Godwin predictably (no, seriously: you must have seen this one coming) takes to mean “To Hell WITH the
Devil”, which happens to be the fate of all Stryper fans, so there.
Accordingly Godwin recommends that parents should burn
anything relating to rock in their homes immediately and double their daily
prayer time. That’s the only way you can secure your home and your family from
the gangs of roving rock-and-roll-summoned demons now during
the final days of the Earth.
Diagnosis: Ah, yes. Another one of those who add a bit of
color to life – probably harmless, but we should probably feel a bit of pity
for him, at least until we realize that he really how unsavory of a character he
really is.