Monday, September 2, 2024

#2808: Phil Elmore

As a former WND correspondent, Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor deputy undersecretary (under Trump) and well-established conspiracy theorist Curtis Ellis seems to have passed away, but there are more where he came from: Phil Elmore has also written columns for the WND, lambasting libruls and gay people.


As Elmore sees it, the “progressive mind-control mob” (e.g. those in favor of marriage equality) is not only trying “to establish thoughtcrime” punishments and take away the rights of conservatives but really wish to have their opponents killed – “You must therefore be denigrated, punished and silenced – and that’s only because the libs haven’t yet worked up the courage to murder you. Yet” – presumably because that’s what he himself would have liked to do to those who voice their political disagreement with him (at least he cites no other evidence for his conjecture). 


So ok, that one’s old, and subsequent encounters we’ve had with Elmore mostly consist of him accusing those who disagree with him on politics of being “simpering pansies”, “fat, arm-flailing children”, “effete liars” and “almost certainly gay”.


Diagnosis: Angry, stupid and irrelevant.

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