Tuesday, September 17, 2024

#2814: Allan Erickson

We admit that we have no precise idea who Allan Erickson is, but at the very least he is a wingnut with a blog and and a major persecution complex. And who is he afraid of? Zeh commies, of course. Communists and atheists – which, to Erickson, are two sides of the same coin (we haven’t seen him try to explain what he thinks communism is). And given that the commies are everywhere, everything Erickson doesn’t like is interpreted as part of a communist ploy. So it goes. That communism is a serious threat is shown by what Erickson (hilariously) believes is the outsize influence of the rightwing’s favorite imaginary boogeyman, Saul Alinsky, whose Rules for Radicals Erickson consistently fails to grasp (and at least grasp the context for) and has read, because he is stupid and afraid, as some sort of Satanic manifesto.


And Erickson, in the manner of conspiracy theorists in general, uses his paranoid understanding of Alinsky as the framework with which he interprets the actions and utterances of anyone he disagrees with. Obama, for instance, as Erickson wrote in 2015, “loves Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, which sanctions violence and thuggery”, an “atheist thug motivated by hate using violence to achieve only strife and division” who, like the DNC (“a virtual army of Alinsky assassins”) and leftists in general, “refuse to take personal responsibility, always blaming someone else, and demanding the rich pay their bills”. Yes, those poor rich people are heavily oppressed in the US: “Since the rich are in the minority, the rich are an easy target because they cannot adequately defend themselves”. In short, “Man without God is a beast. Beasts like Alinsky and Obama now roam the country,” and it’s all “about gaining more iron-fisted control, for the Left is all about control, total control”.


Fortunately for Erickson, Ben Carson was there to fight them: Carson “makes Obama look bad, real bad. And in that, he makes the Democrats look bad, really, really bad. He increasingly makes the MSM look bad. With each attack, Carson gets stronger. Figure that. And so Carson must be destroyed, otherwise, the work of the atheistic communists will be for nothing these last 100 years.”


Diagnosis: Probably very minor, but also very typical.

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