Wednesday, September 4, 2024

#2809: Yousef Elyaman

Yousef Elyaman is a Florida-based MD who specializes in the quackery known as functional medicine. But even though functional medicine is quackery, medical doctors could actually get continuing medical education credits for attending his talk on the subject at the Integrative Addiction Conference 2015 (“A New Era in Natural Treatment”), given that the conference was sponsored in part by Continuing Education, Inc., which is accredited by the American Council for Continuing Medical Education. Elyaman is also affiliated with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, a horrible quack organization.


Elyaman’s day job is Medical Director of Absolute Health in Ocala, Florida, where he, according to himself, has “integrated a functional medicine approach into insurance-based primary care”. Moreover, Elyaman is Medical Director at HumanN, a “leading nutraceutical company”, i.e. a supplement producer – Elyaman pushes a lot of supplements through his Doctor E’s Choice online supplement store – and the author of Your Healing Power, which is ostensibly “a guide to mastering one’s genes to reverse disease.” Needless to say, you can safely leave that one on the shelf.


Diagnosis: Yes, Elyaman is a real MD. But there are many real MDs, and it might be wise to choose one that hasn’t given in to the useless tests and useless supplements (and hefty invoices) that make up most of the quackery known as ‘functional medicine’.


  1. "Hefty invoices"? Is that your best shot? Supplements are pennies on the dollar compared to drugs.

    Big pharma shills just can't stand it when people (even MD's) start seeing the light!

    1. "Supplements are pennies on the dollar compared to drugs"

      That they *don't do shit* is a rather important factor in the calculation, too.

      Big Pharma don't give a shit. Since these supplements don't actually do anything for the stuff their drugs are supposed to target, the supplement industry is not going to affect their income whatsoever.

      But it *will* affect the finances of people who may already be struggling with pharmaceutical bills - you know, the people in the target group for Big Supplement - to fall victim to bullshit supplement marketing.

    2. Big pharma being garbage doesn't mean that supplements, magic or woo works. You seem to keep being remarkably confused by that simple point.

  2. "Since their supplements don't actually do anything"? You mean like the multi billion dollar covid shot that doesn't work? No worries at all, their income is safe.

    Also, it's not the supplement industry but Big Pharma who is the biggest and leading advertiser of all time. Just turn on your tv. And yes they are crap. But you support them anyway.

    1. Pushing anti-vax talking points? That's nuts even for you, BP.

    2. The COVID vaccines don’t work? Is it fun to just make stuff up and proclaim it to others in an officious and condescending tone? At a bare minimum the medications currently available by prescription have been subjected to some manner of scientific inquiry and a requirement to pass some litmus test of evidence, both for efficacy and an assessment of harm.

      None of the products sold as “alternative medicine” have undergone any such rigor and are sold unproven at substantial prices—how is the profit-seeking behavior of those you champion any less odious than the pharmaceutical companies you disdain? Why do you think this particular “doctor” launched this scheme, for benevolence? He’s raking in far more cash by exploiting the fears of others than he ever would just practicing the medicine he trained for in school.

      Hey, if you want to give away your hard-earned cash to someone selling products that have not been rigorously tested for effectiveness or actual danger, have at it—but don’t deny the actual evidence, such as the dramatic reduction in deaths that resulted from vaccination efforts, in the process. Your disregard for the millions of people who lost loved ones to COVID is appalling—how can you not be embarrassed?

  3. The profit seeking behavior for those I champion?

    The difference is, I'm not subsidizing Elyaman with my tax dollars like we are with Big Pharma. They are the one's getting rich at our expense!

    Actual evidence? This whole covid scheme has been a fiasco from day one. Making stuff up? The vaccine doesn't stop the disease, period!!

    I'm embarrassed for you that you actually trust and believe these liberals. I don't!
