Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) a solution of 28% sodium chlorite (NaClO2), a toxic industrial chemical
known to cause fatal renal failure,
in distilled water and prepared in a citric acid solution (thus forming chlorine
dioxide, an oxidising agent used in water treatment and bleaching),
named and promoted by former scientologist Jim Humble – especially in his 2006 self-published book
The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st
Century. MMS is promoted as a cure for HIV, malaria, viral hepatitis, the
H1N1 flu virus, ebola, colds, acne, cancer and lots of other stuff (though on
e.g. eBay it is generally sold as a water purifier
to circumvent certain restrictions on pushing dangerous substances as medicine; at least one importer has been
convicted in the UK). Of course, any remedy that is claimed to be effective
against a wide range of unrelated diseases
is bullshit (except to the extent that it might cause
which sort of brings any other illness you might suffer from to an end and
MMS can,
in fact,
bring about),
and Humble’s evidence is strictly limited to
which are not supported by (and don’t support) anything. Even
whale.to is skeptical, which is something to think about.
The treatment was first advertised to poor families in Haiti
and the Dominican Republic as a low-cost solution to their medical needs, and
though much of the marketing
is targeted at religious cults or people in really desperate situations,
MMS has recently been
promoted as a “cure” for autistic children.
Subjecting a child’s gastrointestinal system to industrial bleaching agents is
child abuse, but MMS
has nevertheless been promoted at the anti-vaccination movement’s annual quackfest
Autism One,
and seems to have gained some popularity due to
credulous testimonials bandied around by people
who don’t know how evidence and reason work.
How it is supposed to work seems to be somewhat debated (on closed forums;
but apparently it is supposed to clear the body of mystery parasites known as “
rope worms” and other pathogens that delusional
users apparently believe cause autism (horror stories
the most horrible part being, of course, how MMS fans, like the religious
fanatics they are, take any (negative) effect of the treatment on the patient
to be a good sign). The idea is, needless to say, one step up from
autism-is-caused-by-evil-spirits and one notch below autism-is-caused-by-imbalance-of-the-humors,
and has nothing to do with anything resembling science or minimal knowledge of
how the body works. (And of course:
the parasites are caused by vaccines – adopting one crazy delusion doesn’t mean that you have to give up the others;
they all fit together in a grand unified system of depraved nonsense).
As a matter of fact, authorities have – for once –
tended to take MMS seriously as the insanity it is both in Europe and the US (see
here for a good summary, and
here for fair and balanced coverage). Because of reports including nausea, vomiting,
and dangerously low blood pressure as a result of dehydration following
instructed use of Humble’s bleach product, the
FDA has advised consumers
to dispose of the product immediately, and (e.g.) Irish parents
who have used MMS on their children are
facing criminal investigations.
In the US,
Kerri Rivera – the
main promoter of MMS as an autism cure – was subpoenaed in the wake of her presentation at the 2015 Autism One
conference, and after proving (of course) to be unable to present anything
resembling evidence for the benefit of MMS she was forced to sign an agreement
barring her from further promoting it or appearing at conferences in the state
of Illinois. There have been legal backfires as well. In 2015
Louis Daniel Smith was found guilty of selling industrial bleach as a miracle cure for various diseases including
cancer, AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, lyme disease, asthma and colds (three of his
alleged co-conspirators, Chris Olson, Tammy Olson and Karis DeLong, pleaded
guilty to introducing misbranded drugs into interstate commerce before the
trial). Rivera claims MMS is most most effective when doses are timed to cycles
of the moon: “
full moon because the
parasites go into the gut during the full moon and the new moon and they mate,”
says Rivera.
Jim Humble himself is the self-styled archbishop of The
Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, and tends to present himself as some
sort of messiah; a report from a secret meeting of his church is
MMS is described as a “sacrament”, though that is probably mostly for legal
purposes. Humble lists an impressive CV (hard to back up, of course), including
having cured malaria (though of course the Red Cross
is desperately trying to cover up the remarkable results for unclear reasons but a tendency toward conspiracy). As for evidence, well,
he’s got some testimonials – e.g. from Lindsay “Bionic woman” Wagner –
and seems
not to understand why anyone would ask for anything else.
Among the more interesting details of his background is his claim to have been
sent to earth from a “
Planet of the Gods”
in the Andromeda galaxy on a mining mission, which is also how he discovered
the miracle cure. He also has plenty of stories of how he has been pushing his
dangerous nonsense to poor areas of Africa as a cure for malaria, which is not
funny. Humble seems to have had a particular success with cults (the CBC
recently covered the trend among certain religious groups using MMS for healing purposes, for
instance) – though I suppose
most of his groups of fans may come close to fit that description in any case – where Humble can really emphasize the magic properties of his
bleach product to audiences receptive to that kind of crazy. Humble’s
“archbishop” Mark Grenon
says that if you get breast cancer you brought it on yourself, and that women should rely
on MMS, not mammograms, surgery, and chemotherapy.
Diagnosis: The mind boggles at the insanity of it all – and
it attracts otherwise ordinary-looking people in a manner reminiscent of
standard horror movie tropes about dark cults. Humble himself is either a very
cynical liar or a complete idiot. Those are not mutually exclusive attributes.