Thursday, June 6, 2013

#584: James Corbett

I have no idea what Michael E. Cook, a.k.a. Sheriff Mike, is up to these days (this screed, mentioned here, dates from 2000), but at least he used to be a member of APFN, American Patriots Friend Network, a stunningly insane group of Ron Paul supporters, conspiracy theorists, and militia guys, mostly filled with word salad, UFO sighting stories (and conspiracies), 9/11 conspiracies, pseudolaw, anti-environmentalism, and, well, every imaginable conspiracy, all framed in a beautifully TIME CUBE-like variety of fonts, colors, and random capitalization.

Given the uncertainty of his whereabouts, and the untimely death of Stefan Frederick Cook, one of Orly Taitz’s less than ideally hinged plaintiffs in one of her many birther lawsuits (Joe Kovacs and Chelsea Schilling thought Cook had a point, but then again Kovacs and Schilling write for the WND – Sean Hannity thought he had a point as well), this entry should have gone to the legendary conspiracy theorist William Cooper if he hadn’t passed away (as well) 10 years ago. I am confident that there exists conspiracy theories to the effect that he is still alive. Surely he was one of the models for James Corbett’s “The Corbett Report”, an “independent, listener-supported alternative news source” (podcasts, interviews, articles, videos) “about current events and suppressed history from an independent perspective” (i.e. batshit lunacy Corbett has made up). Corbett sure doesn’t get his news from “Rothschild Reuters”.

The main focus of Corbett’s report is “important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror
to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.” He is even writing on a book Reportage: Essays on the New World Order. A refreshing detail about Corbett is that he is generally not  merely JAQ-ing off but firmly asserting some wonderfully insane, totally reality-independent claims. If you want an update on what is certainly not going on in Fukushima, you can read one of his many articles on the topic. Or did you know that the shooting of Osama bin Laden was a hoax? According to Corbett, there is consensus that bin Laden died years ago. He was not involved in 9/11 either, and the US government is in an intimate conspiracy with the bin Laden family (Obama himself ensured that many of the bin Laden family members were transported safely out of the US after 9/11 where they had been in various shady meetings with American government figures). See also this and this on 9/11 conspiracy bullshit.

Diagnosis: Fairly typical kook – his webdesign is better than most conspiracy maniacs’, his writing skills less so – and pretty ardent. Completely impervious to truth.


  1. Obama himself ensured that many of the bin Laden family members were transported safely out of the US after 9/11 where they had been in various shady meetings with American government figures

    Considering that Obama at the time was a rather obscure member of the Illinois state legislature and that the president was George W. Bush, that's a pretty good trick.

  2. Buddy, you're pretty fucking retarded for believing, like deaf, dumb and blind dupe, anything that CNN feeds you.

    Learn to think first. Then inform yourself. Let me ask you: are you an inbred? Were your parents retarded? Was your mom involved in that profession of disrepute and bore you after getting rammed by some retarded John? Seriously, you need to answer those questions to yourself.

    Who does this? I mean, who devotes a website like this trying to insult other people who are doing a valiant and courageous service to Truth. Even if some are wrong, try to debate them, and not engage in your douchebaggery. Okay? Stop being a douche; that's the bottom line.

  3. The author of this article is an astro-turfer, probably a paid minion. J.Corbett documents every thing he says on his podcast, as did William Cooper. The author of this article has no "about". He's is a fool, even if he is a shill. This site seems to be at war with the United States, as it is obviously designed to "gas-lite" good Americans.

  4. Well, if you get rid of everything that's pure sarcasm without any argument, this article is actually a good publicity for the Corbett Report. One of the best and most complete independent medias to be found. And as stated in a previous comment, you can check every source he cites on his articles and videos.

  5. As with other commenters, the author of this blog is not too bright. I do agree, however, that the article was good publicity for Corbett. Hell, I might continue to visit The Encyclopedia of American Loons and think the opposite of whatever this guys says, if this article is any indication of how he thinks.

  6. Seems like you mention a lot of important topics and dismiss them without any research or understanding about the topics. Why? because they contradict the mainstream media's version of events, and the mainstream corporate media never tells a lie right? Why don't you use the sources that Corbett clearly lists in all his reports do some research so you don't sound like a fool.

    1. No, it's actually because what people like him say contradicts the truth.

  7. James is awesome, presents factually based material. The truth will set you free.

  8. Hahahahaha.....reading the comments - just a bunch of other loony conspiracy theorists defending one of their own. You guys are all alike.

  9. The author of this article has never seen a mainstream news story he didn't believe . He's a shill for the corrupt elements of the US government or a complete fool or both. Its heartening to read here all the comments that indicate what crap this article spews. I happen to be widely read and have researched many of the news events mentioned. I know that the MSM has lied for decades and that James Corbett is one of the most erudite and fair-minded researchers around. Not a chance this author has done any research of his own. Probably paid to advance this point of view. This is the level of deceit Americans are facing. Pathetic.

  10. Of course he is a shill. He s a leftist, sudo-anarchist, who fully embraces the judeo communist agenda and philosophy. Jimmy, as I like to call him since 2010, when I first realized the above, and yes, I have met him informally when living in Japan myself, and I didn`t like what I was hearing (long story short, I ended up in a restaurant with a friend of mine who was working in tsukuba on nanotech research on radar and gps applications who knew his group.. northen Ibaraki Ken, a bit north from Hitachi I think it was..). Anyways, my point then and now, was that he never seems to stress on his beloved Russia, and even though he made videos slightly on the opposite trend, he always anyway lines up pro agenda. He is an RT little mignon and will be an agent of disinfo until the end. Compliments to the US-Brit-Israeli-Russian led Internet subversion and disinfo team that have created since 2003 the biggest selection of flavours of shills and trolls, Jimmy here being the intellectual pacifist nerdy looking and trustworthy goodhearted flavoured geek. Well, he isn`t.. good hearted. Never on his show you will hear the real Japan as we expats have lived and live it. Biases, ethnocentrism and so on (and by the way, with this current trend in Europe of migrants and cultural subversion, they well should keep on being ethnocentric and biased even though they might hurt good people as well, in the end, it is the only way to retain their identity, keep it on JAps!). He married a Jap, popped out two units, and now owes a lot to his host country so much that he is also on their payrol and would never do or say anything to jeopardize what he was given: a nice cushy job for the non-talented in a safe environment (he wasn`t sent to the front lines by his backers). I know a thing or two about the Fukushima event, even though I was lucky enough to leave the main island before the explosion, went back right after to check up on friends and foes and realized that, yes the country had already moved on not even 3 months after (June), as to be expected by japs and their government, but also found that the contract to run security systems at the plant had been given to an Israeli firm based in Dimona not even a few months before the `bomB` that I am quite sure was planted in the reactor shell itself by the new service hired that, amazingly for Japan and its high standards, was directing the operations at the reactors `remotely` from their base in Israel!! Analyzing data detected in Fukushima day by day and returning the revised info, not in its orinignal state, to the Japanese engineers in Daichi!!! Can u believe it? Jimmy never says anything on this and I am sure that he KNOWS everything I know, if not more. Ask him why the Japanese gov decided 6 to 10 months prior the incident that Tepco should have hired a foreign (Isreali) contractor for such a sensitive and vital part of the economy of their reactors (throughout the country). Ask him why the previous PM was replaced at that time (by the current shill Abe). Radiations have devastated, are and will be devastating the environment for the next 1000 years, everybody studying the environmental issues related to Uranium and Plutonium based reactors can tell u that. Just think about Chernobyl. And those are the ones we know of. Nope. Jimmy is pro the judeo-marxist Russian agenda that promotes racial integration in the west, the collapse of western cultures and all systems of government antithetic to the agenda; he is a fake egalitarian, anti eugenics, anti renewable energy sources (even though he wants you to believe that he is not), and anti `global warming movement` ..who isn`t at this point right?.. having been corrupted by Gore and the Gates of course the movement is now nothing more than a scarecrow for the illiterate and conspiracy theorist, just as Putin wanted (well, his backers wanted him to say and do so), Jimmy`s real employer, and his oligarchs backers who make billions by selling gas (and oil) to the world. He never says zip. What a good nerd.

  11. Corbett is one i recommend regularly to people who know things arent right. Im greatful for his truthfulness on issues that plague mankind

  12. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer

    1. Schopenhauer never said that.

      Which is good, for the claim is profoundly silly. The vast majority of great discoveries or insights have actually been relatively readily accepted by those with any expertise or knowledge about the fields in which those discoveries have been made.

      But even if that weren't so - even if it *were* the case that truth tended to face an initial stage of denial - it would still be the case that vast majority of the claims that are initially ridiculed turns out to be not true but just as ridiculous as we initially thought. Being ridiculed is not good evidence that you are onto something, and if you use the ridicule you are exposed to as evidence that you are right, chances are you are a serious loon.

    2. Actually, I'm gonna harp on that Schopenhauer "quote". What Schopenhauer actually *said*, in the preface to The World as Will and Representation, which is the source of that misquote, is:

      "And now that I have allowed myself the jest to which in this two-sided life hardly any page can be too serious to grant a place, I part with the book with deep seriousness, in the sure hope that sooner or later it will reach those to whom alone it can be addressed; and for the rest, patiently resigned that the same fate should, in full measure, befall it, that in all ages has, to some extent, befallen all knowledge, and especially the weightiest knowledge of the truth, to which only a brief triumph is allotted between the two long periods in which it is condemned as paradoxical or disparaged as trivial. The former fate is also wont to befall its author. But life is short, and truth works far and lives long: let us speak the truth."

      Taken as a claim (rather than the rhetorical flourish it obviously is), it actually conveys the *opposite* of the sentiment in the fake quote. Yes, you may say that truth passes through three stages: First, the time *before* it is discovered - when it is, of course, unknown or treated as a weird anomaly. Then, when the discovery is made, and when it is treated and celebrated as a new and novel insight. Then, not much later, when it is commonly accepted and has been made part of background knowledge and considered obvious.

      That sentiment is rather the opposite of the sentiment expressed by the fake quote, don't you think?

  13. Wow, are you a brainwashed tool, or just stupid? In first grade kids learned to call names to gang up on someone they were uncomfortable with, but apparently some never evolved past that infantile mentality.

    1. You sound like both, since you fail to recognize that Corbett is a blatant liar.

    2. You're the stupid brainwashed one if you believe people like Corbett. I know it may seem like just an insult, but frankly I can't understand why you believe the various fairy tales of the so-called "9/11 truth" cults instead of the real truth. I'm sure you probably think those of us who reject the claims made by Corbett and his ilk "haven't done research" or "looked at the evidence," but I have. And it reaffirms that people like him are liars.
