Friday, April 19, 2013

#515: Gregg Braden

There is out there, and there is out there, and Gregg Braden is definitely as far out there as you get. Braden is  an author and speaker promoted Hay House and endorsed by Deepak Chopra, Braden promotes himself as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality”, which predictably means that doesn’t have the faintest grasp of science. He claims to be able to heal cancer in three minutes through the language of emotion”. His discoveries [read imagination] have led to such paradigm-shattering books” as The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age, and Deep Truth – and they do seem to enjoy some popularity. An clue to what he is all about can be grasped from the fact that [f]or more than 25 years Gregg has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets.” That’s how science is done, baby. And Braden really did promote the 2012 end of the world since that’s when the Mayan Calendar stops” bullshit, though believed that it would usher in a New Age. Though I haven’t seen any official response I think it is probably safe to assume that met the failure of his prophecies with the same humble attitude with which Pat Robertson met the failure of his.

Braden is a ”sacred activist” (which seems to mean that he combines quantum woo, New Age bullshit and fundamentalist religion), and Evolutionary Leader”, a title which reveals preciously patchy understanding of evolution, and he was involved in a concerted effort among prominent crackpots to pray away the BP oil spill in 2010.

Here’s Braden (with Bruce Lipton) on Quantum Holograms (for more on quantum holograms, see here), claiming that [s]tatistics have shown that a specific number of people, joined in a focused, unified consciousness of non-denominational mass prayer, produce effects that extend well beyond the room or building where the prayer has occurred,” which is not even wrong (Braden doesn’t specify which statistics” he is thinking about, but one suspects the Maharishi effect) According to the advertisment he also sheds new light on ancient textual references to this field, and how our emotions and state of mind influence our DNA.” I am not sure light” is the correct choice of words. Tom here seems to be a fan.

But this is just a sample. If there is a crazy belief to be had you can be sure Gregg Braden has it. His imagination is rich, his grasp on reality absent, and he has found ways to make money off of most elements of this combo.

Diagnosis: Demented fuckwit.


  1. Thanks for covering Gregg Braden. His current speaking tour on the Hay House circuit is very anti-science, especially anti-evolution.

  2. He loves the planet Earth apparently but still jacks up his carbon footprint by flying all over it to make money. ;)

  3. First of all, get your story right. Gregg Braden doesn't claim he's able to heal cancer in three minutes through “the language of emotion, he showed other people doing just that:

    What's the scientific way for treating cancer? Injecting the body with toxic chemicals in the hope they will destroy the tumor(s) before killing the patient? That's still the best modern science can come up with after all those years of research (wasting billions of tax-dollars)?

    If chemotherapy would have been suggested as a possible 'therapy' for cancer by someone outside of the 'science community' it would have been used to blow 'alternative medicine' out of the water for good...

    Crazy science fanatics, oh dear :-)

    1. If you have a better treatment, write it down, publish and win a Nobel Prize. Unfortunately thoughts and prayer have never healed a single pimple.

  4. For all you 'modern/medical science' fanatics:

    "The Nutrition Institute of America funded an independent review of “government-approved” medicine that was published in 2006. Professors Gary Null and Dorothy Smith, along with doctors Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman and Debora Rasio titled the report “Death by Medicine.”

    The researchers found that America’s leading cause of death isn’t heart disease or cancer: its conventional medicine. They found that the iatrogenic death rate in the US (death caused by doctors and/or medical treatments) is 783,936 a year. That’s 84,059 more deaths than those caused by heart disease in 2001 and 230,865 more deaths than those caused by cancer.

    Over a decade, the scientists predict that iatrogenic deaths will total about 7.8 million, “more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history,” a death rate equivalent to that caused by six jumbo jets falling out of the sky every day.

    They also believe the numbers are actually much higher because most iatrogenic deaths aren’t reported as such: only 5 to 20% of iatrogenic deaths are reported for fear of lawsuits and because codes for reporting deaths due to drug side effects and other medical errors don’t even exist in many cases. The number of deaths due to conventional medicine may be 20 times higher than the numbers depicted here."

  5. You can tell he's a nutter because he has the same hair as the 'Aliens' guy from the Ancient Aliens TV series, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. In fact, Gregg Braden is on the Gaia network right now, asking us "Who had the technology to build a gear like this 2000 years ago?" when refering to the Antikythera mechanism. Gregg, I'll tell ya: The Greeks did. They were pretty mathy guys. Pythagoras? Doing geometry in his sleep in 400 BC. Archimedes, Euclid, Hypatia, yeah them too. Ancient mariners used math to navigate. Sorry to disappoint but it's probably not the case that extraterrestrials came down from their UFOs and gave us super cool alien technology. But if you click your crystals 3 times and whisper, "there's no place like home," they just may come down and pick you up, Starseed.
