Wednesday, July 16, 2014

#1122: Richard Schulze

Richard Schulze is an N.D. (short for “not a doctor”), M.H. and – according to his webpage – “one of the FOREMOST Authorities on Natural Healing and Herbal Therapy in the World” [capitalization in the original]. He has operated various clinics and “designed Natural Therapy Programs, which have assisted tens of thousands of People Worldwide to create MIRACLES and REGAIN their Health.” Yes, his webpage – worth a visit – relies primarily on persuasion by random capitalization, it seems. He is also apparently a mainstay over at, where you can read about his ability to cure almost anything or, perhaps more precisely, help patients cure everything (AIDS, colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s … you name it, Schulze cures it, without bothering with the bureaucratic process of collecting evidence that his methods have actually cured any of these things). In general, Schulze’s screeds contain woefully few references to actual evidence but apparently capitalizing key words for emphasis is supposed to make up for that. They are also replete with misunderstanding and denialism, as exemplified by his denial of the role of genes in cancer.

If his techniques are so powerful, why aren’t they more generally accepted  (“the combination of Herbalism and Naturopathy is highly effective, to put it mildly, and would kick 98% of Allopathy into touch given a level playing field”)? Ah, you didn’t need to ask, did you? “[g]iven a level playing field” is the cue. You see, the playing field isn’t level. In reality, of course, the field is made uneven by the fact that real medicine relies on evidence, accuracy, testing, truth, reason, science and reality. And if those are the criteria, then herbalism and naturopathy are at a disadvantage, given that they have none of those things on their side. Of course, that’s not how Schulze sees it. Instead, there is a conspiracy out there – “[t]o see how the Allopaths suppress the competition: the Richard Shulze page on Wikipedia was deleted by an Allopath.” Therefore he is suppressed and therefore he must be right. Here you can see him explain how he is being suppressed by the government and the FDA in their well-known war on cures. (Here is an interview with the seriously misguided Shane Ellison about that war, for those who are in a masochistic mood.)

“His work in getting the knowledge out there (giving away all the secrets of Herbalism and Naturopathy), and putting his whole body over the parapet puts him in the ‘great man’ category, and they are pretty thin on the ground, but it just shows what one man can do. No longer can Allopaths get into the pulpit and say Herbal and Naturopathic medicine is quackery without being exposed as the true quacks themselves, […] and that is purely down to him, the Truth is well out of the bottle now.” At least you can’t accuse him of modesty or shying away from gibberish.

Diagnosis: Utterly ridiculous crank with the crackpot’s delusions of grandeur. Standard fare, but these are still the kinds of delusions that can lead to some real harm in the world beyond the Internet.


  1. Here's another I forgot, financial shyster Porter Stansberry.

  2. And you also have to do Sophia "Clunkity-clunk" Shafquat of 9/11 Mysteries hilarity.

  3. There is a conspiracy by the FDA to suppress natural medicine and promote pharmaceuticals! There are plenty of things on the side of herbal healing and naturopathy. (It works, no side effects etc) but Big pharma cannot patent and make $ on herbs and god given medicine. Hence their never ending attacks on naturopaths.) Natural medicine DOES threaten Big pharma and the whole medical industry..if people were healthy, they would be fucked and they know would lose $! Most pharmaceutical drugs try there best to chemically match what these herbs and natural remedies can provide but fail miserably. Most every drug deemed "safe and effective" by the FDA is poisen! You think meds having tons of negative side effects to cure or heal is right? Meds that exasperate your condition or cause new conditions is NORMAL?! Do you not see these drug companies being sued and recalled constantly? They know theyre drugs are bad and know the time before people catch on is limited but they dont give a shit cause they've made MILIIONS in the process and pay out a pittance in damages to those most obviously affected and undeniably can prove it was their poisen drug. Some people dont develop problems for years and never make the connection. We live in a society ridden with cancer and disease because of our stupidity and reliance on pharmaceuticals. And believe it or not, there IS a conspiarcy against the people to make us sick..depopulation agenda and NWO...DUH!!! Please do some research and stop being so gullible and ignorant! Poor diet with no focus on nutrition,eating fast food,processed foods,getting vaccines (Almost all conagious disease has been eradicated in all countrys due to improved sanitation and disposal of human waste (ie..toilets, having a place for waste to go) and improved nutrtion...NOT vaccines! But great access to people to mutate dna and apread pandemic whenever the mood hits them! Thats why 3rd world countries despite being "vaccinated" still die from those diseases! Also taking pharmaceuticals puts you right on the medical ferris wheel of being sick and the big medical cartel can profit off your misery. So, please if you still after becoming informed still choose to poisen yourself and remain and an ignorant "sheeple", at least take this misinformation and non sense off the world wide web!

    1. Thank you for your educated response. Couldn't have said it better. The ignorance that prevails is astounding. I have been using Dr. Schulze's protocols and products for over 20 years. I am 62 years old, on no meds and very healthy. Thank you Dr. Schulze!

    2. Great example of shill handles posting rebuttals for the "Dr".

    3. You're a conspiratorial, uneducated, blubbermouthed sycophant with a null understanding of Western Medicine. Depopulation... right okay, because the earth's population is climbing higher than it EVER HAS BEEN! As for this hack Schulze, he CANNOT cure cancer or anything on said list. This bullshit gets people killed, or their children KILLED... because idgits like you are blind and bereft of rational output and take this superstitious BS as fact.

    4. Tate... you are uninformed and your ire-filled rant shows how much your paradigm is threatened. Schulze has healed thousands who were given up on by lamestream Big Pharma controlled Disease industry. Wake the F up

  4. I second that. Thank you for your educated response! The person above must work for the pharmaceutical companies or perhaps be blinded to Gods natural healing remedies. I have been using the Dr Shultz products for over a year now and they have worked miracles. The word of Dr Shultz is spreading quickly through live examples to my friends and family. Thank you for preparing us for how the pharmaceutical companies are brainwashing individuals.

  5. I am not a doctor, but a patient who has tested both Pharma meds and Alternative medicine for my serious health issues over many years.Its not as fair to call both quackery as both the author on the the article and those commenting here. Firstly i can bet on Modern medicine, its not a perfect system and will never be as our bodies are incredibly complex and unique but its based on evidence based medicine with hundreds of trials, blood tests and all other kinds to see the actual effect on the body....By saying that i would never say Natural medicine doesn't work, it does work...many herbs are known to have healing qualities for many conditions, but the problem is not every claim by alternative medicine proponents can be true, many of them make fake claims even when patients have not responded just to make money....And although there are many studies on natural herbs, So telling a herb will work for 40-50% of the population who use it for a certain disease is impossible to know unless there are trials and tests to measure the responses. Do you know that with medicine whether a Drug or herb, there can be a strong placebo effect...thats why the only way to know for sure is both patients responses and also tests measuring the changes in the body and compare with normal Control subjects. In my experience for my serious Disease, the Natural herbs on their own didnt help me significantly to relieve my symptoms and they did cause sideffects also ( this is another myth that herbs dont cause sideffects which is a lie propagated by many herbalists, not all though)..I got major relief from a Pharma medicine which targetted strongly the medical issue i had and the sideffects were there but it was nothing compared to the disease itself. I am taking 2 supplements in addition to the medication but they are just as an adjunct.
    So i would recommend people to Rely on Modern medicine for serious health issues, because Natural medicine practioners are filled with UNTESTED claims. On many of them who recoevered with Dr.Schulz products its impossible to know, sometimes certain diseases resolve on their own as the body has ability to heal in many cases....I think the claims by Dr. Schulz on cures for Cancer and many incurable diseases is quakery!! So many people with cancer have died taking Natural approaches when they could have survived with Medical treatment. Sorry, but those claims by Dr. Schulz on issues like cancer is nothing but quackery because thats like playing with peoples lives when you provide no proof of their workings. Sadly many people fall for these claims. Dr. Schulz will not publish those patients whom it did not work and they could be in thousands....dont get fooled please he is playing a very tricky game. For general health his products or any other herbal products can be useful, but if you have a serious disease go to a Specialist doctor and get tests to know whats wrong in your body, dont rely on unskilled herbalists who dont know everything about the body !!

    1. point well taken. Many natural medicine practitioners 'guess' rather than scientifically diagnosing the problem. However, what is the solution when a person HAS been accurately diagnosed...medically surgery & various medications. And despite the doctors expertise is still suffering.. And even worse?? Think about it! Everything has its place in Life. INCLUDING using the plants the Creator put around us to heal the body !

  6. Dr. Schulze is the man. Author of this article is a noob.

  7. In response to the person who who stated they take pharmaceutical drugs for a medical condition...those drugs only mask the symptoms of disease. They do NOT heal the body or fix the root of the problem. The biggest problem is people are lazy, everyone wants a quick fix but few that want to take responsibility for rheir own health and actually make their health a priority. If your not willing to eat healthy, excercise and heal yourself tgen by all means take pharmaceutical drugs to alleviate the symptoms of your disease...just know that they will cause you other health ailments down the road and will not address the cause of your disease. Such an example is type 2 diabetes. As a nurse I see it all the time. People CAN reverse this disease by losing weight and eating right but most wont! They are lazy and want to continue the lifestyle that caused their disease and just want an easy fix! Western medicine is all about masking symptoms! If you choose to take their poisons, that's your perogative, but dont criticize others who choose to take control of their own health through natural means. And yes, like anything there are always going to be quacks who give naturopathy a bad name, so you must use common sense! The biggest thing anyone can do to heal is to eat healthy. Like Hippocrates said "let your food be thy medicine and your medicine be thy food. The typical american diet creates an acidic enviroment in your body that allows diease and cancer to thrive. Eating whole foods and vegetables and cutting out junk and sugar will bring the body back to a more alkaline state where healing can begin. This is also why the ketogenic diet works for epilepsy as well as many other diseases. Fasting also can "reset" your body and help heal which is why it has been apart of religions since the dawn of time. People need to open their eyes to whats really going on in the world and start taking responsibility for their own lives and stop trusting that the government or the fda is looking out for your welfare and best interest. The only thing they are looking out for is themselves and the bottom dollar! If ypu want to poisen yourself, be my guest, but dont knock those who actually have knowledge of the true nature of the world and choose natural remedys and ways of healing. One more point, we are in a war right nowin this country and the signs are everywhere. Just google illuminati symbols in major coorperations, saranic polititions (all of them) and hit google "images". The proof is astounding. This is no theory..there IS a conspiracy and its taken place for thousands of years. These people/ aliens/demons have controlled the earth since Babylonian times, perhaps longer. People need to wake up!!!

  8. Please excuse the typos in my above post, was using my phone keypad and got to typing too fast lol. Need to proofread better 😉

    1. Thanks for acknowledging your typos. Your humbleness (at least here) makes me want to go read your comments again and even check into some things!

  9. Not sure about Dr. Schulze but that article was terrible. Thank you for no real information whatsoever.

  10. Don't knock Dr. Schulze's formula, till you've tried them. You really are responsible for your own health... not the bureaucrats at the FDA.
    I don't need the FDA's permission to do what's right for me. The FDA has approved way to many drugs a.k.a. medicines with horrible side effects to be considered reliable.

  11. An M.D. recently said to me "anything that is not part of the "standard of care", I'm not interested in." That means he's willing to ignore vast areas of knowledge regarding natural phenomenon. That would make him an ignoramus. Prevention is far better than treatment. Average people believe they can eat, drink and do whatever they want for a 20 year period, and when they get sick the MD s will fix them. All of the knowledge the ND's have is valid towards creating your own health. Much knowledge is needed to do so.

    1. Unreal how ignorant they are despite all those years of ''education''. They're taught to learn, but to ''think'' is something completely different. A parrot can learn to repeat a few clever words, but can it think?

  12. I don't care what anybody thinks on here I know firsthand from my own eyes good herbs work I have seen my uncle cure himself of colon cancer diagnosed by a real medical doctor. My uncle was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2005 he set out to cure himself without any medical help at all. It's 2020 and he has no colon cancer without any pharmaceutical drugs or surgeries so I know Herb's work I use them myself and for my kids and they really do work

    1. Thousands of people have stories just like your uncle's and I've seen a few myself. There's an excellent book, Recalled By Life, that was written by a typical doctor who eventually changed his belief system when he cured his own cancer with natural methods.

    2. Where did you learn how to use herbs effectively? I hope to hear from you. Thank you

  13. Hi! After reading this, my first thought was ''Hope you get cancer, suffer miserably through chemotherapy and croak, miserably with your educated medicine''. Not very nice, but maybe that's the only way that could get your blinders to come off.
