Kerby Anderson is president of Probe Ministries and has for
a long time the host of the religious radio program Point of View.
He is also author of several political and theological books, including A Biblical Point Of View On Islam and A Biblical Point Of View On Homosexuality.
You can sort of identify the contents from the covers. Apart from that Anderson
pushes most of the standard talking points of fundie talkshow hosts, usually
governed by the standard doomsayer conviction that the US is a nation in
decline, despite the fact that virtually all measurable parameters suggest the
opposite (but Anderson has rarely been very concerned with backing up his
claims with evidence; case in point here).
And, according to Anderson, it is all due to “spiritual factors” (i.e. the fact
that younger generations tend to have political views and interests that are
different from Anderson’s). To bolster his claims, he cites “historians”.
So yes, Anderson has his views on homosexuality and people
of other religions than his own. He is also a creationist. Of course,
officially he promotes intelligent design (ID), which he claims is entirely different – according to Anderson, ID is not
a religious idea, and the Discovery Institute,
for instance, is pursuing it as a scientific theory and not as something that should be part of the public school curriculum in its present state.
Furthermore, according to Anderson, who is apparently entirely unable to
understand that evidence against evolution, even if such should exist, is not evidence in favor of ID – that’s not how science works – intelligent design is a testable, scientific idea. Anderson is, moreover, the co-editor of Creation, Evolution, and Modern Science
with Ray Bohlin,
which suggests that he is at least dimly aware that his arguments are
By the way, Probe Ministries have their own research
associates, including A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism signatory Jan Chatham.
Diagnosis: Standard religious fundie and anti-science
champion, though, as most anti-science fundementalists, Anderson would of
course be unwilling to categorize himself as such; his claims and actions make
the conclusion hard to deny, however. But Anderson is also quite influential.
"Probe Ministries" - Seriously??!!. This can't get anymore Freudian.