Wednesday, November 13, 2013

#790: Max Igan

Max Igan runs the website, which is, as you’d expect, a storehouse of New World Order conspiracies, paranoia, and incoherent support of virtually any branch of pseudoscience imaginable. The site is here, if this is your thing. Guess whether he thinks fluoride in the water lowers your IQ – and guess whether he uses quote-mining and misrepresentations to support it. Guess whether he thinks the Colorado Batman shootings were staged? Much of the material on Igan’s website consists of links to other people’s work (the Batman shooting one links to the even more rabidly insane Disclose TV, and “Scientists prove that DNA can be reprogrammed by words and frequencies” links to Wake Up World, which makes even Disclose TV seem reasonable by comparison). Among his own material you'll find “A Practical Guide to Free Energy, and “The Cell Phone Poisoning of America”. He has also done some serious work collecting links and “information” on cancer, climate change, 9/11, chemtrails and the general decline of America and how everyone is out to get him – and every entry is, consistently, just a little bit crazier than the previous one you looked at.

Diagnosis: No, there is nothing really special about Igan and his website – there are thousands of such sites out there; it is nevertheless a fine representative of the madness and paranoia that clog up the internet.


  1. nul nul - check this out;

  2. I just discovered his YouTube videos, they make great listening, he is a gifted communicator who is on the correct side of history, unlike the shills in the mainstream media.

    1. I find it funny how this guy has no profile on his blog yet he will call all the supposed "loons" out for their work. I guess this guy thinks he knows everything.

    2. I found his 8-part series on DEWs and the Australian fires quite credible...He has been a panel guest on Press TV...

  3. Pathetic you want a chemical in your water? Why? I guess you don't have to worry about iq, cause you're already so dumb. It is not even effective in the water supply to prevent cavities, because how long is water in contact with teeth before being swallowed? If it were effective dentist offices wouldn't be at every corner people wouldn't have mouths full of mercury. Fluoride isn't a necessary nutrient for humans, water is... clean pure water, why should we be getting anything else.

  4. You are right about this kind of crap clogging up the internet. I just would love to know how this comes to be. Is there a market making it profitable to produce this Dane-Wigingtonp-crazy nonsense? Do guys like Igan and Clif High get off on seeing how much bs their audience will swallow. Has the public that many dull-minded. Is there some mental illness which makes people ignore persons with good reputation in favor of those presenting the most unlikely stories imaginable?

    1. crowhouse has much truth.he is not one of my favorites, but has exposed much and has a portion of truth. i have found some error though, but compared to establishment, he is on the right track. but he doesnt get the source and real rulers yet. I have.

  5. Many people recognize that something is off with this world at a very fundamental level. They don't know what, but they know that it is at the root of the system we live in itself. This is why people like Max Igan are popular. They don't have the answers but the mere fact that they question makes them attractive to the disillusioned.

  6. are you really that gullible or do you believe every stupid conspiracy you see on the net?

  7. Diagnosis: No, there is nothing really special about you and your blogspot – there are thousands of such blogs out there; yet your blog spot is nevertheless a fine representative of the madness and envy that clog up the internet.

  8. To whom ever wrote this, wake up and do your homework! Seems that anyone who speaks the truth is ridiculed, and put down. Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that "the truth" does not jive with the establishment hive? What he has said in the past has already happened! Open your eyes and you will see. Open your ears and you will hear.

  9. Max Igan strikes me as a solipsistic individual. Red flag.

    1. How would you make such a diagnosis? Quite an extreme thought.

  10. Spot on, great guy who knows what is going on in this fucked up world

  11. How does this blogger criticize this Youtuber, calling him a loon, listing each of his 'crazy conspiracy theories' without critiquing each thought individually. Informal logic would call this and 'ad hominem' attack which is, fallacious. He needs to explain how these ideas are inaccurate, not just say so. Eg., how is the 'chemtrail' or 'cell phone' warning inaccurate? So the loon may be the one who posted this critique of Max Igan. I just found his site and found it interesting in this day and age.

  12. From what I can see all of Max Igan's claims are true.

  13. More concerning than high profile idiots like Max Igan are the number of low profile idiots who exit the woodwork to support his fruitcake ideas on sites like this.

  14. This is probably the dumbest website I've ever seen. So much "conspiracy" labeled items are just common sense that have been maligned by sources backed by massive money and ill intent. EX: common sense tells you that radio frequency waves are harmful to the human body.
