Wednesday, May 29, 2013

#572: Kiril Chukanov

Kiril Chukanov is a free energy proponent, and runs this website. Originally from Bulgaria, Chukanov seems to reside in the US (thus qualifying for inclusion), and claims to have worked on the problem of cold fusion” at the University of Utah in the 90s. His status is admittedly a little unclear, but at least his website kindly informs us that Dr Chukanov is not ’implemented’ in the USA and ’managed’ by some secret person (out of the USA) as some obviously mentally ill people are claiming. Dr Kiril Chukanov is not connected or supervised by any persons or organizations ’in’, and ’out’ of the USA,” which is good to know, I suppose. Apparently the Canadian government has launched an official conspiracy” against him when they seem to have denied his company the right to become a Public Company, apparently because the bullshit he was meddling with (Chukanov’s systems seem to be based on ball lightning) had the potential of being rather dangerous.

He has written and published several volumes of Quantum Mechanics”, including Final Quantum Revelation”, though his work has unfortunately failed to make an impact on the scientific community. Sympathizers have compared Chukanov’s work to the work of Andrea Rossi, which is not quite the same thing. There is a link to an interview with Chukanov (on which the interviewer seems to be on his knees throughout to make Chukanov look more glorious in the manner of a Lenin statue) here. The guiding idea that Chukanov is pushing is that his systems create excess energy that appears from nowhere. Since the technologies produce more energy than they spend, they will be able to produce free energy (also here, and here).

At least Sterling D. Allan, the stalwart reporter at, could report that a visual intuitive” in his extended family had seen the skeletal structure of Chukanov’s Ball lightning in a vision or dream. Credentials bestowed by peer reviewed publications pale in comparison with such intimate intuitions, I suppose.

Diagnosis: Hard to tell, but even remotely connected to anything resembling reality it certainly isn’t.


  1. "At least Sterling D. Allan, the stalwart reporter at, could report that a “visual intuitive”..." why do you resort to making an ad hominem attack in the true sense of the phrase, meaning making a person attack, rather than being an honest reviewer and pointing out that Sterling recognized him to be mentally ill, specifically and even accurately (I would know from psychology study) has narcissistic personality disorder? Perhaps you have it being that you've been dishonest like that?

  2. "The guiding idea that Chukanov is pushing is that his systems create excess energy that appears from nowhere" Don't you love those atheists and their Big Bangs from nowhere :)

    Such blind and thoughtless hypocrites they are.

  3. Your remarks are totally unfair to this man, I personally know. He is areal researcher who has spent more money in scientific research than you would ever earn in ten lives with this stupid site. He is the pioneer in the field and has two patents with this technology and independent labs has sustained his excess energy claims. For all I care you may be able to turn your computer on at much.
